Luna (aka, my Dannodraws sona 🥰)

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So, as you may know, she is a Rabbit-Succubus demon hybrid, also known as a Ruccubus. Her mom's a succubus and her dad's a rabbit. She has deep red wings that were inherited by her mother and the chip in her right ear is from her dad (chipped ears are a genetic trait in Luna's family from her dad's side). However despite Luna having wings, she rarely files at all, and when she does, she's not very skilled flyer so she struggles a lot. 

Also, despite Luna being half succubus, she doesn't have the ability to seduce/manipulate peoples hormones into being h*rny just yet. People her species tend to get that power in their late teens or very early adulthood. 

She also had a pretty normal childhood and lives a relatively normal life. Luna acts relatively normal to, though she can be a bit childish at times, and she's currently in a relationship with D.D. ❤️🖤.

 She also has Autism and ADHD, and also has a big love for drawing and music :3. She got bullied at school once to for being "the weird kid".

She is Bisexual. And she gets flustered by D.D. easily, especially when things get steamy between them 

Another thing: Luna can get into heat. It typically happens for a week once every 2 months. Here's the sighs that Luna's in heat:

- Acts normal, yet tail is straight up most of the time

- Blushing and/or flustered for no reason

- Feels warm

- Acts more clingy and affectionate around D.D.

- Becomes more sensitive to touch 

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