Hangout With the Queen

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"I don't know. I don't really have much to do," Collin shrugs. "My parents are busy, and I have no other pressing matters. I guess I'll just stay home."

A thought then comes to me. "Hey, I'm gonna hang out with Loona and Tex tomorrow. You wanna join us?"

"Really?" Collin looks surprised at the offer and rubs the back of his head. "I-I don't want to intrude..."

"Nah, it's cool. Besides, I want to show you what the rest of Hell has to offer," I tell Collin while thinking how interesting it would be to see an angel's reaction to how we live. I mean, I'm not going to show him the worst parts of our culture. Poor guy probably would die of a heart attack, and I'd be forced to pay for the funeral.

Besides, I'm curious to see how Collin lives outside of work. I admit I usually don't take such an interest in my employees' lives like this, but for some reason, I am intrigued by Collin. Plus, he's such a nice guy that you can't help but be friendly with him.

"Oh, well, I guess it would be okay if it's not too much trouble," Collin answers nervously.

"Relax, it's not like we're asking you to join in our threesomes," I tease, which makes him blush.

"You have threesomes?!" Collin shouts while looking ready to faint.

"Only every so often. Sometimes with chains," I hint with a saucy tone as I lean forward to the shaking angel. "If you want? We can make it a foursome at the end."

This proves to be too much for him, and his eyes roll in the back of his head. He faints. Ah, well. It was his break time soon, anyway.


Being the Queen Bee allowed you the means to go where you wanted to go, when you wanted to go, and how you wanted to go. Especially in the ring that you owned and ruled. Riding in my limo, I look at those with me. Loona was already drinking from the mini-bar while Tex had one arm around his girl while texting. Meanwhile, Collin was obviously nervous that I didn't even need to sense it. He kept fidgeting with his hooves and looking around as if expecting something to crawl out and grab him. Sighing, I slide over to his side of the limo and wrap my right arms around him, making him blush.

"Will you relax?" I chuckle, poking his nose. "Seriously, you look two steps away from a heart attack."

"S-S-Sorry, this is just my first real hang out with people in a while and in Hell of all places," Collin admits with a timid sigh.

"Hey, nothing is going to harm you. You're under my protection," I say with a reassuring smile. That means everything here, so don't worry."

"Yeah, spaz," Loona tells him as she looks up with a teasing grin. "Besides, lamb stew isn't a popular dish here. So no worries about ending up on a menu."

"Gee, thanks. That's reassuring," Collin mutters as he rolls his eyes.

The limo soon parks at our first stop, one of my favorite designer clothing stores: Sinblazers. It was not just any store but the top store for the brand, with five-floor levels worth of clothing that only the best could afford. I also happen to be a big sponsor of it, so I get a discount, not that it matters since I am rich as fuck. Once we enter inside, we're instantly greeted by Siza Caramel, a pink fox/lighting bug crossbreed demon with a glowing red rear end and buzzing wings. She's got a light blue vest with a "V" neck style down the line to show off the top of her puffy breast area while the silver lines sparkle like diamonds. Her long golden sash belt held her black legging pants while it was all topped off with a long dark blue coat that was so thin you could swear it was like mist.

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