Knowing The Ropes

Start from the beginning

"Got it; I'll keep an eye out," Collin says seriously. Good. I like that in a manager. "But are we allowed to drink and do drugs? The staff, I mean?"

"I allow a few drinks here and there but not enough to get intoxicated, so you don't do your job. And no drugs at all while working. You do that shit off the clock," I then smile and tease at Collin. "Why? Interested in doing some without the G-man looking down on you?"

Collin chuckled and shook his head. "No thanks. I just wanted to know. Also, are the drugs done in every area of the club?"

I think about it for a few minutes. "I think I just allow it to happen anywhere."

"Can I suggest limiting it to one specific floor?" Collin says, which raises my eyebrow. "Have you had fights or disruptions from people who are too high or such and bother others?"

"A few," I reply. Okay, more than a few. But Collin doesn't need to know that.

"Well, why not keep them hoarded in one area? That way, your security can watch them closer without spreading too much? Not to mention they'll keep away from bothering the non-drugged partiers at the same time?" Collin suggested. a good idea. It would allow us to keep a closer eye on them and kick them out easier if they get too far. Not to mention, only ten or fifteen percent of all my partiers usually do the drugs. Most are just here for the drinks. "Not a bad idea, Collin. I'll try it out, and we'll see where it goes."

He gave me a happy smile, and I couldn't help but smile back. Heh. It's not even his first day, and he's already giving me good ideas. I think this is going to go well.


I show Collin the rest of the place, including bathrooms, warehouse, pantry, keg room, accounting, my office, kitchen, and the worker's lounge. In fact, I'm having everyone meet Collin for the first time in the lounge. All my workers, from the bartenders to the cooks to the waitresses to security to the janitors and more, are all there. Many are silent and emotionless as Collin nervously floats behind me as I get their attention. It's clear that they don't like him, which isn't a surprise, but at least they're being civil. However, while I am serious about them getting to know Collin and accepting him as their new assistant manager, I am also hoping that Collin can get along with them as well. It's a two-way street between manager and worker. I just hope that, as an angel, he's not too easy on them.

"...And so with that all out of the way, I'm going to let Collin introduce himself," I step aside and help the blushing sheep cherub float forward.

"Um, hi," Collin greets as everyone stares at him silently. I wait for him to say something and hope it's nothing corny, but to my surprise, he clears his throat and smiles. "If anyone wants to get whatever they want to say about me being an angel out of their system? I give you permission to do it."

Everyone looks at each other with wide eyes. I'm even surprised by this. He wants them to insult him? He wants them to tear him apart with words and curses? The others look to me to ask me if this is legit. I stare at Collin, who nods with a smile, and I shrug before giving the go-ahead.

In an instant, the entire place is screaming with angry voices.

"We don't want you here, angel!"

"Fuck you and your God!"

"How about you do us a favor and go back to Heaven and wank on a bible!"

More and more insults are thrown out, and some go on for a full five minutes as everyone expresses their feelings. While this is happening, I can't help but look at Collin, who's just letting it wash over him with a bright smile. I raise my eyebrow at this. Was there iron skin under that white and purple fluff of his? Even I would be reacting to this kind of shit talk if it was happening to me. I mean, there is the saying "turn the other cheek," but even angels would just be freaking out and lash back in disgust and fury.

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