Chapter One: I Met The Hottest Man To Ever Exist

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"He's literally the hottest man I've ever seen." I said to Annabeth. There were bigger things to worry about. Like Percy's disappearance. But Annabeth was looking for any distraction possible so she wouldn't break down.

"Yes, yes, he is hot; but what about that girl he came with, Piper." She reasoned.

"Annabeth, when have you ever known me not to get my way?" I asked. It was a pretty stuck up question for most people to ask; but me being crowned the title of "the luckiest child of Nike" kinda makes the sentence realistic.

"And you want him?" She asked.

"I need him in a way that is dangerous to society." Annabeth laughed. The boy in question was Jason Grace. A blonde, ripped, 16 year old that just came to camp today.

"Girl, this is too much." She smiled.

"What? Like you didn't go feral for Percy the minute you met him."

"I did. I did." Her smile slowly faded.

"Hey." I put my hand in hers. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned Percy." Percy's disappearance hit Annabeth like a rock. One day he was here, and they were sneaking away going to have makeout sessions behind the boulders, that I totally didn't know about; then he couldn't be found. Anywhere. The Hermes Cabin searched the camp for days.

"He did good. Even if we can't find him. He did good." He did. He gave the children of minor gods, aka me, cabins, and they finally got the respect they deserved and the claiming they deserved. I didn't get the usual claiming that everyone else got, my mom, Nike, came to camp and told Chiron that I was his child. Then everything suddenly made sense. Everything worked out for me, not because I was lucky, but because I could see every outcome of every decision you could make in a scenario.

"We are going to find him." I said. I heard a swish come at me and quickly moved out of the way and Annabeth, luckily, quickly followed my movement. The next thing I hear is sizzling of wood and the smell of something burning. "Hey!" I yelled as I turned around to see him. Jason. With a lightning bolt above his head. But it wasn't Greek. No, it wasn't Greek at all.

"Jason Grace. Son Of Jupiter." Chiron spoke. Me and Annabeth locked eyes. Grace. It couldn't be. It couldn't be. She never said anything about a brother. I ran up to Chiron, Annabeth followed.

"Grace, like..." I asked, knowing he knew what I was referring to.

"Yes, exactly like it." He answered, looking between me and Annabeth.

"But, she never said.." Annabeth looked like she just saw a ghost.

"Miss Chase, she never spoke of her brother because of the stories she had never wanted to tell." He assured us. "But he is her brother."

"Whose brother?" Jason spoke up, behind Annabeth. I jumped at his voice. "Sorry, I scared you, didn't mean too. But whose sister?" He looked into my eyes. Oh gosh. His eyes.

"Our friend. Thalia." I answered, trying to form words when he was standing right there. I barely could. Oh gosh, he was hot.

"Is she here?" He said hopeful.

"No, she became a huntress of Artemis, a couple years back." Annabeth answered his question. His eyes shifted from hopeful to sad.

"Oh, sorry about the lightning bolt. Didn't know I could do that." He said remembering the incident from moments ago. "What's your name?"

"Oh, you're good. No harm, no foul. My name's Lily."

"How did you get out of the way fast enough?" He asked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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