chapter 16

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As twilight descended upon the Jeon mansion, casting elongated shadows across the opulent halls, Jungkook's footsteps echoed with purpose as he crossed the threshold of his ancestral home. The heavy wooden door creaked shut behind him, muffling the sounds of the outside world, enveloping him in a cocoon of silence.

With practiced precision, he shed his coat, the rich brown fabric cascading from his shoulders, and hung it upon the ornate brass hook by the entrance. The faint scent of cedar mingled with the musk of aged leather, a familiar aroma that whispered of tradition and heritage.

Turning on his heel, Jungkook's eyes swept over the grandeur of the foyer, taking in the intricate details of the marble floors and the majestic staircase that curved gracefully upwards. Yet, his contemplation was abruptly interrupted by an unexpected sight.

There, in the heart of the hallway, stood Jimin, his figure bathed in the soft glow of the chandelier above. His posture was one of defiance, arms folded across his chest, a silent challenge etched upon his features.

Caught off guard, Jungkook's brow furrowed in disbelief, a flicker of irritation dancing behind his dark eyes. He closed the distance between them with measured strides, his footsteps echoing with determination against the polished marble floor.

"What the hell are you doing here?" His voice, laced with thinly veiled hostility, cut through the silence like a blade, demanding an explanation from the unexpected intruder in his domain.

Jimin tilted his head, a mischievous glint sparkling in his eyes like shards of shattered glass catching the light. "Well, in case you've let it slip your mind, we're on the fast track to becoming Mr. and Mr. So, get comfy with the idea of having me around. And who knows? Maybe I'll sprinkle a dash of my charm and redecorate this place. It could use a little pizzazz."

Jungkook's voice dripped with authority, a cold edge slicing through the air as he loomed over Jimin like a storm cloud ready to unleash its fury. "You seem to have conveniently misplaced your manners. This mansion bows to my command, not yours. Remember your damn place, and remember it well. I certainly didn't extend a fucking invitation to you. Don't push your luck."

"Oh, I see," Jimin retorted, his tone dripping with honeyed venom. "I didn't realize you were so possessive. But no worries. I'll make myself right at home. After all, in due time, this mansion will be just as much mine as it is yours. Until then, try not to let your fragile ego trip you up on your way out."

With a final toss of his head, Jimin spun on his heel, his steps echoing down the corridor as he disappeared into one of the labyrinthine rooms of the mansion.

Watching the fleeting silhouette of his soon-to-be spouse, Jungkook clenched his jaw, his fists tightening with suppressed frustration. With a muttered curse under his breath, he turned on his heel and stalked away, seeking solace in the confines of a room where he could be alone with his thoughts, far from the maddening presence of Jimin.

When Jungkook opened the door to his study, his eyes immediately fell on the empty space that once housed his precious ceramic collection. Confusion clouded his mind as he surveyed the desolate corner and disbelief

"Where are they?” Jungkook asked out loud, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation as he turned to face the maid who was standing nearby, worry etched on her features.

The maid hesitated and nervously darted her eyes between Jungkook and the empty space where the pottery had once decorated. “Mister, Mr. Jimin… he ordered me to remove them,” she admitted, her voice barely breaking

A surge of anger welled up in Jungkook as he processed the maid's words, clenching his fists at his sides in frustration. "Why would he do that?" he demanded, his voice shaking with a mix of betrayal and confusion.

The maid looked down, her hands fidgeting nervously at her sides as she searched for the right words. "I…I'm not sure, sir. He said he didn't like them and wanted them gone," she explained, her voice cracking.

Jungkook's jaw clenched as he tried to contain the rage bubbling up inside him, a wave of emotions running through his mind. How could Jimin be so heartless, so indifferent to something that meant so much to Jungkook?

With steely determination fueling his every step, Jungkook pivoted to depart the room, the echo of his footsteps reverberating through the hollow expanse of the corridors as he forged a path towards Jimin's office. He hungered for answers, a thirst that could only be quenched by confrontation.

As Jungkook burst into Jimin's office, his gaze honed in on the figure perched behind the desk, his features a mask of inscrutability as he peered up from his work. "What do you want?" Jimin's voice sliced through the tension, tinged with a hint of irritation.

Jungkook's fists clenched at his sides, a battle raging within him to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to spill forth. With measured composure, he addressed Jimin, his voice a steady undercurrent of suppressed fury. "Why did you instruct the maid to remove my pottery collection?"

Jimin reclined in his chair, a smirk dancing across his lips, his eyes alight with a flicker of satisfaction. "Because I felt like it," he retorted, his words dripping with disdain, relishing in Jungkook's growing agitation.

Rage surged through Jungkook's veins at Jimin's cavalier response, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. Bracing his palms against the desk, he closed the distance between them, locking gazes with Jimin in an unyielding stare-down. His voice, low and menacing, reverberated through the room. "You had no authority to do that."

Though a chill of warning coursed through him at Jungkook's ominous aura, Jimin refused to cower or yield. Instead, he met Jungkook's gaze with unwavering defiance, unflinching in the face of impending confrontation. The scent of Jungkook's cologne enveloped them in a suffocating embrace as their faces drew dangerously close. With a subtle lift of his lips, Jimin issued his challenge. "I warned you I'd play dirty, didn't I?"

Jungkook's eyes flashed with a glint of steel, his gaze piercing through Jimin with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. In a voice laced with restrained menace, he uttered words that hung heavy in the air. "You may think you're ready for a fight. But remember, I play rougher than you ever could imagine."

With that ominous warning hanging between them, Jungkook abruptly turned on his heel, his footsteps echoing as he strode purposefully towards the door. He left Jimin alone in the suffocating silence of the room, his departure leaving an undeniable sense of trepidation lingering in the air.

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