chapter 03

403 31 3

As soon as the blondish man saw Jungkook, he felt a sudden surge of anger and disgust. The blondish took a step back, trying to maintain his composure and not escalate the situation. But his anger was apparent in the way his brows furrowed, and the way he clenched his fists at his side.

Jungkook noticed his reaction immediately, and his own expression hardened, a cold stare fixed on the blondish. He knew what the other man was thinking, and it only made him more determined. The two men sized each other up for a moment, before the blondish's mother intervened, trying to defuse the tense situation.

"Oh, so you know each other already?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Both men answered at the same time. "No!" they shouted, but immediately tempered their tone, realizing they were speaking over each other. Jungkook spoke up first, a sneer on his lips. "I don't know what business this is of yours," he said coldly, "I don't know him."

The blondish chimed in, his own voice equally as cold. "Nor I him," he replied, trying to match Jungkook's tone. The blondish's father tried to lighten the mood, though his own anxiety was apparent in the way his eyes darted between the two men.

"Perhaps you should both introduce yourselves, as a token of goodwill," he suggested.

Jimin rolled his eyes at the suggestion, but he knew the situation was escalating and it was better to go along with it. He reached out to Jungkook and gave him a wry smile. "Jimin. Park Jimin," he said, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Jungkook didn't miss the tone in the other man's voice, and he felt a sudden surge of anger. He grabbed Jimin's hand and squeezed it tight, digging his fingers into the other man's flesh. He tried to keep a fake smile on his face, but his eyes were hard and cold as they met Jimin's.

Jimin hissed in pain, but he didn't back down. He gave Jungkook a look that said, 'You'll pay for this.'

Once the families had settled, Mr. Jeon suggested they all be seated to discuss the wedding arrangements. Jimin couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation as he glanced at the blondish, who still seemed to hold a grudge against them. Nevertheless, he took a seat alongside his family, ready to listen to what was to come next.

The first issue on the table was the wedding date. Mr. Jeon declared they had already chosen September 7.

The air hung still as the secretary placed the legal documents on the table, the light reflecting off of their shiny edges. Jungkook felt sick to his stomach, as if the very thought of signing his life away made him want to throw up. He stared down at the papers for a moment, the pen heavy in his hand, and then let out a bitter chuckle.

With a sweep of his arm, he signed the papers with a heavy hand, sending several pages soaring to the ground. The sound of the papers hitting the wooden floor echoed through the silent room, and Jungkook watched as Jimin casually picked them up and placed them back on the table.

Jimin signed his own name with grace and poise, a smug look on his face that drove Jungkook to the brink of insanity. Jungkook's scowl grew deeper by the second, his anger rising like a boiling pot about to overflow.

He knew that he would have to wait, that he couldn't do anything drastic now. But he also knew that the moment he stepped outside, he would have his revenge. He would wait for Jimin to slip up, to let his guard down, and then he would rip him to shreds. He would make him regret the day he ever crossed paths with him. Jimin would feel his wrath, and he would never forget it. Jungkook gritted his teeth, a wild fire burning in his eyes. Today might not be the day, but it would come, and he would be ready.

Jungkook's father rose from his seat and took the folder from her, nodding his thanks before heading to the door. Jungkook, still fuming, followed behind him, his eyes locked on Jimin. As soon as they were outside of the office building, Jungkook turned on Jimin, his index finger pointing at him. "You," he said, his voice a low snarl, "you're lucky that we're in public right now, or I would be showing you no mercy," he spat, his hand flexing threateningly.

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