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Riki was the lonely kid, who never really understood if it was because he liked being alone, or was it because of his shy and introverted nature?

He was confused and lost. Always sitting in his safe haven, on the scared part of the school rooftop, Riki constantly used to think, if he should jump or not.

But then Heeseung made a sudden appearance and Riki found a new friend. However, there was something strange about him. Whenever Riki tried to communicate with Heeseung in public places, he got distracted- or that's what he thought.

And one day Heeseung disappeared after Riki finally made up with his old friends and was part of the group once again. 

But Riki was hell-bent on finding Heeseung; the reason he was able to make friends again.

"Riki, remember what I told you about people? It is true that no one sticks around forever, but that doesn't mean new and more different people don't come. They do, after having a terrible past break up with your friends you were all alone. And that scares you so much, but then I came, someone new after your old friends. So, of course, you might think of me as a permanent change, that I will stay forever. But the truth is Riki, that one day it might be you leaving me without noticing. And I will be sad and hurt but I will move on waiting for the next weather to come." Heeseung's tone was soft and friendly, but it contained a hint of warning as well.

"I won't ever leave you. But I will go in there because I trust your words more than Jake's." Riki replied, ignoring the warning hint.

Where Heeseung thought that he was sent to Riki's realm to help the lonely boy. However, what he didn't know was there was a purpose bigger than that behind his transportation between his and Riki's realm.

Boy From Another Realm ||Enhypen||Where stories live. Discover now