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Wooyoung hugged Mingi, he pressed his head on his chest and took in his cologne.

"You ok? You don't usually hug me," Mingi said, worried. Wooyoung gripped his shirt, hands trembling slightly and nuzzle his nose in Mingi's neck.

"I'm sorry," Wooyoung murmured. "I'm sorry for existing, i should be dead,"

Mingi's eyes widened in alarm at Wooyoung's words. He gently pulled away and held Wooyoung at arm's length, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Wooyoung, what are you talking about?" he asked softly but urgently. "You should never think like that. You are important, and your existence is valuable. Please don't say such things."

Wooyoung's eyes glistened with tears as he looked down, his voice barely a whisper. "But... I feel so worthless sometimes. Like I don't deserve to be here, burdening others with my problems."

Mingi's heart ached at Wooyoung's pain. He carefully took Wooyoung's face in his hands, making him meet his gaze again. "Listen to me, Wooyoung. You are not a burden. We all have our ups and downs, our dark moments, but that doesn't make us any less worthy of love and support. You have brought so much joy and light into my life, as well as the lives of others. Your presence alone is a gift."

Wooyoung sniffled, struggling to hold back his tears. Mingi continued, his voice filled with determination and care. "You don't have to apologize for existing. You are loved, and I will always be here for you, no matter what. Please don't ever think about hurting yourself. Talk to me, lean on me, let me be there for you just like you have been for me."

Wooyoung slowly nodded, his grip on Mingi's shirt loosening. He took a shaky breath, feeling a sliver of hope starting to replace his despair. "Thank you, Mingi. I... I'll try to remember that."

Mingi smiled, his thumb gently wiping away a tear from Wooyoung's cheek. "That's all I ask, Wooyoung. Remember that you are loved, and don't hesitate to lean on us. We're stronger together, and you are not alone in this."

Wooyoung nodded again, feeling a flicker of gratitude and warmth in his heart. Mingi wrapped his arms around him once more, holding him tight.

"You are never a burden, Wooyoung," Mingi whispered into his ear. "You are cherished, and we will face whatever comes our way together."

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