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As the rain poured outside, casting a soothing soundtrack to their intimate moment, Wooyoung and Yeosang found themselves tangled up in each other's embrace, seeking solace and warmth. Yeosang, being the taller of the two, held Wooyoung close to his chest, their limbs entwined in a comfortable position.

Yeosang delicately pulled the covers up, creating a cocoon-like atmosphere around them. The soft fabric tumbled around their bodies, adding an extra layer of coziness to the already intimate scene. As he positioned his leg on Yeosang's hip, their bodies synced in a perfect fit, providing them with a sense of security.

Gently, Yeosang pressed a tender kiss against Wooyoung's nape, his lips caressing the sensitive spot. A soft murmur escaped Wooyoung's lips, filled with contentment and a hint of desire. As if unable to resist the magnetic pull, Yeosang buried his nose in Wooyoung's hair, inhaling his sweet scent, savoring the feeling of closeness.

Moved by Yeosang's affectionate gestures, Wooyoung shifted his body, turning around to face Yeosang. With a gentle smile that mirrored the love in his eyes, Wooyoung settled atop Yeosang, their bodies molded together, and his face nestled in the crook of Yeosang's neck.

Yeosang sighed in contentment, his arms wrapping around Wooyoung's waist, pulling him impossibly closer. "You feel so warm," Yeosang whispered, his voice filled with a mix of adoration and admiration. "I can't imagine a better place to be right now than in your arms."

Wooyoung's breath tickled Yeosang's skin as he pressed a delicate kiss against his collarbone, his lips lingering there for a moment. "Being around you, feeling your loving embrace, it's like finding my sanctuary," Wooyoung confessed, his voice slightly muffled against Yeosang's neck.

They remained intertwined, their bodies molded together, cherishing the gentle rhythm of their breathing as they found solace in each other's arms. The room felt hushed, as though the outside world ceased to exist, and only their love filled the air. They shared silent moments, speaking through their touch and affection.

Yeosang's fingertips traced invisible patterns along Wooyoung's spine, sending shivers down his lover's back. "I love you," Yeosang whispered softly, his voice a whisper of pure devotion. "Every moment spent like this, wrapped in your embrace, is a treasure that I'll forever hold close to my heart."

Wooyoung raised his head, his eyes gleaming with affection as he met Yeosang's gaze. "And I love you," Wooyoung responded, his voice filled with sincerity. "This connection we have, it leaves me breathless. In your arms, I find my home."

They shared a tender kiss, their lips intertwining and sealing their words of love. In that moment, wrapped in each other's warmth, they knew that their love would endure any storm and that no distance could ever break the bond they had built. Together, they would face the world with hearts full of love, ready to create more beautiful moments like this one.

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