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Today was the Jay they would get the truth out of Ricky.

Jay woke up , took a shower and got dressed . He went down to the basement where Ricky was , he got into the room and saw Ricky on the floor bleeding from his mouth and a wound on his head , Jay smirk as Ricky looked at him  in terror " well well well , look who scared , after you dared to steel what's mine mmm" Jay said Jay took him by the neck , tighten his grip . " Do you have a death wish , to die so young huh " I said angry " now tell me were my fucking drugs are before I kill u "Jay before letting go of his neck . Ricky dropped to the floor coughing "i-its a-at m-my f-fathers h-head q-quarters " Ricky said " h-he f-forceed m-me t-to t-take t-them " Ricky continued " well you should thank your father for what is gonna happen " Jay said ,he pulled out a gun and shot Ricky between the eyes . Jay told  one of the guards to give him Rickys phone . The pressed record , pointing the dead body Infront of him and he said " mmm , it's a shame that he had to die so young ..... This is what happens when you steel from The Park Family" he said then started laughing psychopathly . He finished the video and send it to Ricky's father .

" Clean this up , and send his body to his father " Jay said to the guards . He went out of the basement .

He found everyone watching a movie on tv . " Hey guys , I found where the drugs are located " Jay said and everyone looked at him " what ab ricky " hongjoong said " his dead " Jay said .

Jay told what happened and it was now  a week left until he could see his fiance.


3 days later , Jay heard that they are gonna bury Ricky . Ricky ' s father called him and said that his drugs has been brought back to the park head quarters . He decided not to kill Ricky's father for now .

It's been 3 months that he hasn't seen sunoo and 5 months of sunoo be pregnant .

Today was the day , he can finally go home , San and hyunjin already went home while seonghwa and hongjoong said they'll Lock up . " Bye guys , make sure to lock and give me the keys tomorrow ok " Jay said to seonghwa and hongjoong " ok bye "

Jay pov

I didn't tell sunoo that I was coming home today , I was supposed to come back tomorrow but , The Misson was over so I decided that all of us can just go home


2 hours later I got  home , I got into the house , I hugged yeji and hyunjin , and they told me that sunoo was upstairs . I told them thanks then went up the stairs

I knocked and heard him say 'come in ' I came in and saw him in bed watching a movie while eating popcorns " Miss me baby ?" I said and he finally looked my way he smiled and told me to come on the bed , he hugged me and I hugged him back " I missed you so much Jay " sunoo said " I missed you too sweetie "

Jay and sunoo Started catching up and talking  ab random things .

Jay kept talking to the baby inside of sunoo Jay saw that sunoo bump was bigger than he last saw him . Jay just couldn't wait his baby would come out . He smiled and kissed sunoo on the lips

To be continued

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