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After that little chat with his friends he got dressed up and went to work

After that little chat with his friends he got dressed up and went to work

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(Sunno outfit)

I got to the restaurant and changed into my  uniform , and I was already busy with my first customer. I finished with them but there was this guy that had the whole restaurant to himself because he "brought it for the night"

"Sunno I need you to work with Mr. Jay "my boss said "he ordered me that he wanted u"  my boss said again "me , why me?"i asked " I don't know , he just told me he wanted u so go ahead and do ur job " he said and I nodded

 Jay "my boss said "he ordered me that he wanted u"  my boss said again "me , why me?"i asked " I don't know , he just told me he wanted u so go ahead and do ur job " he said and I nodded

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(Jay's outfit)

I walked to his table and said "hi , how many I help you?"

"Are you Kim Sunno?"


"Well , I'm jay park , I would like to offer you a deal"

"Im sorry , did you say a deal"

"Yes "

"W-what i-is t-t-the d-deal?"

He looked at his men and they all went out of the room after they left he said

"I would like if u would be my sugar baby, if you agree , it will cover , ur school fees , a place to stay , food and more like that , so do you agree?"  I was shocked did a man I just knew now wanted ME Kim Sunno to be his sugar baby , there was silence for a while until he said "here is my number call me when you have ur answer " he gave me his number and his Instagram account on the card , he then left , I was shocked so so so shocked

My shift was over so I went to the only place I could stay an apartment that was so burn down but it was better then nothing , I went to bath and ate the food from yesterday then I remembered that guy at the restaurant , I went into Instagram and searched for his account

I looked at his posts from today

I looked at his posts from today

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Jay_park: back to Korea for business .

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All of his posts , the comments were disabled who is this guy I started to do some research and I was shocked

Jay park is one of the best and most dangerous mafia's of Korea , he is ranked as  number one on the best mafia 's in the world

#1 jay park
#2 taemin
#3 Niki
#4 jungwon
#5 hwang Hyunjin
#6 Kim seungmin

Jay park is 25 years old  , that is all the information that we could found about Mr park .

He was a fucking mafia , why did he want me , but he could help me alot with school fees , and I won't have to work anymore , I took the risk and message him

Hi , Mr park .

Mr park
Who is this ?

Umm , it's Kim Sunno ,
from the restaurant

Mr park
Ok did you make ur decision ?

Unknown change to baby

Umm , yes I , have ,
and I agree to ur deal .

Mr park
Ok , pack ur things ,
I'll meet you after ur shift and ur
last shift

Ohh , and what did you save me
as in ur phone ?

Mr park, why

Mr park
Change it "Daddy"  now


Mr park changed to daddy


I hope its not that bad

Sugar daddy~sunjay Where stories live. Discover now