Still on transit, Tina noticed her phone vibrate repeatedly. She received messages from Clint.
Clint: Hello
         Good morning
         How are you doing today?
Tina: Good morning
She replied, smiling, not yet over the chat with Chidi.
Clint: Checking up on you
          Making sure you are ok
Tina: I appreciate
Clint: Busy now?
Tina: Not really
Clint: Hope your schedule will permit our lunch today
Tina: Yeah,
         I don’t have many things to attend to, except for some errands for Dad.
Clint: Ok, see you at noon
Clint dropped his phone. He didn't seem to have much to do either, or maybe, he didn't want to do much. He swung on his seat.

Hours Later, Dressed in his neatly ironed blue shirt and black pants, his long tie neatly stuck to his shirt with the aid of a silver clip, and his pair of mirror surface shoes sparkly, Clint calmly sat in his car parked before a building site.
Clint: Hey, I'm at the site,
          Coming in
He messaged her on Instagram.
Tina: No need
         Will be out in a moment
Clint: Kk

Tina joined him in his car, minutes later. “Good afternoon,” he greeted as she adjusted herself in the seat beside him. She waved in response.
Clint turned on the ignition. “Hungry?” He asked.
She gave him thumbs up, and communicated some signs to him.
“I don't get you,” Clint said reluctantly, careful not to offend her.
Tina gave up when he get her message at the second attempt and resorted to her phone.
“Oh! Our destination…” He said with some relief. The sign was quite an easy one; he should have gotten the message if he paid closer attention. “There is this restaurant a few minutes’ drive from here. I guess you will like it.” He reversed the car and drove off.

“Play music,” she wrote.
“What do you listen to?” Clint asked. His right fingers tapping his phone screen, and his other hand controlled the steering.          
“Anything,” she showed him on her phone.
With a low voice, he subconsciously sang to the playlist as they rode, taking glances at Tina who seemed to compete with him on that.

The drive lasted for a few minutes like Clint promised. While seated at the restaurant, a young lady in uniform approached them and took their orders.
Tina: Nice Baritone
She complimented him with the aid of her phone.
“I'm good at what I do,” he replied with a smile.
Tina: No more flirting
Hands up, “I'm sorry ma'am,” he teased.
Tina: A good fan of Chike, huh?
“Sure. One of my favs,” he confirmed.
Tina: Odd
Clint raised his brows, “How?” He stressed the word; his neck inquisitively pushed his head a few millimetres forward.
It was quite odd for her that Clint listened to Chike. It wouldn’t have occurred to her that he listened to cool lyrics like that. She smiled. That's cool. Me too. She signalled and dismissed him. 
He smiled. “I see what you did here. That’s a smart move. I must say; you got me.” He smiled. “Does this mean we're cool?”
Tina smiled at him.
The waitress approached with their orders and placed it before them. They went on to eat in silence.

Her Father Watched an architectural programme in the sitting room when she returned. She greeted him and dropped her bag on the couch. She went ahead to sit beside him and rested her head on his arm.
He cuddled her. “How was work today, my dear?” He asked.
Tina nodded slowly in response.
“Stressed?” he asked.
She refuted.

Patricia walked into the sitting room. “Sweetheart, who are you . . .” She stopped when she noticed Tina's presence. “Oh, darling, you're back.”
Tina walked up to her mother and hugged her.
“Welcome darling, I know you must be hungry.” She pecked her. “I'm making a delicacy for you. I will soon be done,” she explained.
“What is that?” Patricia caught on the sign.
“Abacha with Ugba.” Her response had the single motive of whetting Tina's appetite.

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