Chapter 2

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Music Blared From the loudspeakers in the small rectangular hall. The arena thronged with people dancing, chatting, drinking and laughing. Clint and Iyke sat on the bar stool before the counter of the makeshift bar, chatting and laughing. Clint fiddled with the tale of his champagne glass placed on the counter, his back to the entrance of the hall, while Iyke laced his hand on his champagne glass, partly facing Clint, laughing with ease.

A couple approached them, interrupting their chat.
“Hey Iyke! What’s up Bro?”
“Boss. Xup?” Iyke shook hands and rubbed shoulders with the man and hugged the lady in a greeting gesture.
“All is good, man. No need asking how you're doing, I can see Anna's doing a fine job. You look all greasy,” he complimented Iyke.

“Hey, Ken. Xup! It's been a while.” The new guy exchanged handshakes with a tall, brown guy with large eyeballs who just joined their party.
“I'm great, Obi. It's been a while too.”
“Guys, meet my girl, Rose. Rose, this is Iyke, Clint and Ken.” Obi introduced the trio to the lady he walked in with.
Clint stretched his hands towards the lady, “You look gorgeous. It’s nice meeting you.”
“Thanks. Same here” She replied.
“I can see the one doing the job with you here,” Clint complemented. They laughed at his humour.

The couple made their way towards a small group of ladies sitting round a table. In their midst sat a slim model with long synthetic hair. She wore a long pink gown with a slit that stopped at the upper end of her thigh; her beautiful oval face glistened in the light as a result of her makeup. She smiled here and there, as she discussed with the ladies sitting around her. A crown decorated with shiny stones rested graciously on her head.

The guys relapsed on their seats and resumed their conversation, before something called Iyke’s attention. A chubby curvy lady trailed behind a taller slim and curvy lady. Dressed in body-fitting mini gowns, their curvy nature laid bare. They walked elegantly through the packed arena, shoving through the crowd.
Iyke called Clint's attention, “Hey, you need to see this.”
Clint turned, following the direction of his gaze.
“Are they not those girls from the lounge the other day?”
“You are right.”
They watched as they manoeuvred the crowd and walked towards Anna. They greeted, hugged, and pecked her before taking their seats.

Chidi Walked Towards the celebrant with open arms. “Happy birthday, baby gurl!” She sang with a smile on her face.
“Thank you, darling!” Anna answered with smiles, amid a hug.
Chidi took her time to hug and greet all the girls at the table. Tina hugged Anna and waved at the others.
“Hello, Tina. How are you doing? It's been a while now!” A plump girl in a red gown asked.
Tina smiled and nodded in response.
“Hey, Tina, come over here!” Chidi called half way across the table to Tina who stood watching her do her greeting round.

“Pardon my manners, Anna, meet my friend, Tina!” Chidi raised her voice over the loud music blaring from the speakers.
“Girls, Tina!” She held Tina. “Tina, meet my friends!”
She waved at them, as they chorused “hello”. They took empty seats at the table with the girls.

As the party advanced, Anna attended to a couple, with a guy who Tina learnt to be her man. He was touted to be a big time drink distributor. Chidi danced with a random guy, leaving Tina at the table with two girls who busied themselves with the life of other guests, discussing anyone that caught their attention. She stood up with her properties and moved to the bar.

Tina unlocked her phone and scribbled something on it for the bartender, after occupying an empty bar stool. The bartender got a bottle of red wine and a glass; he placed it before her and poured some contents of the bottle in the glass for her.

She took a sip from the drink and turned on her phone. Just then, she felt someone approach her position and stopped by her left.
“Gorgeous is an adjective, but, I won't mind rewriting my dictionary 'cos of you.”
Tina swallowed hard on hearing the husky voice.
She wanted to be on her own. She didn't need any of those flirts around her at the moment. She was just not ready for anyone. She silently wished he would leave.

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