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Surprise surprise! How does a new one-shot compilation sound? It's Jenlisa married era. Been in my draft for far too long. Let me know what you think! ;)


No matter how many times she steps in La Douceur Parisienne, Lisa always welcomes the warm, inviting aroma of freshly baked goods, wafting through the quaint space. The sight of golden croissants glistening in the display, adorned with layers that promised a delicate crispness, captured the essence of French pastry artistry. Delicate pastel-colored macarons lined the shelves, each one a tiny work of art. The ambiance echoed with the comforting hum of conversations, the clinking of coffee cups, and the occasional delighted sigh as patrons savored their treats.

With her choices already in mind, she's a regular by now, Lisa casually strides to the counter, exchanging a friendly greeting with Fabianne, the cashier. Conversing effortlessly in fluent French, she places her order. "Comme d'habitude," she remarks, referring to her usual two pan au chocolat, two kouign amann, one café crème, and one noisette, while not forgetting to request a specially wrapped profiterole, adorned in a cute box with a handwritten note.

Some sweetness for the sweetest.


"Special occasion?" Fabianne asks in heavily French-accented English.

"Yep!" Lisa manages to say with a pen cap between her teeth, concluding her note with a tiny heart next to her initial. Truth be told, today marks no special occasion, but it is norm for Lisa to express to her loved ones just how cherished they are in her heart.

Clutching the freshly baked delights, she exits the bakery, immediately bathed in the warm embrace of the morning sun. She revels in its gentle touch on her skin, July weather allows her to don only a sky blue cardigan, specially knitted and gifted by her wife a year ago when she successfully completed her knitting class. She recalls the moment her wife shyly apologized for the simplicity of the design, explaining she couldn't create anything intricate just yet. However, for Lisa, its charm far surpasses the allure of luxury brands nestled in her closet. This unique item holds a special place in her heart as there is only one of its kind in the world, moreso crafted with love.

Her bike is parked only two blocks away, so she strolls at a leisurely pace, savoring her noisette, all the while ensuring not to collide with the hurried Parisians crossing her path. As she reaches her bike, she carefully places her morning acquisitions in the basket affixed to the front of the bike and secures her helmet, a promise she made to her wife despite the short distance. She pedals homeward, humming the sweet notes of La Vie En Rose and a moment later breaks out grinning, realizing what a sap she is that she still feels this helplessly romantic after all these years. Her pedaling quickens, mirroring her heartbeats, eager to reunite with the love of her life, despite the fact that she just saw her two hours ago.

When her housing complex comes into view, she eases her pace as she spots Lèa, her middle-aged neighbor who is taking a morning walk with her toddler grandson, Anthony.

"Bonjour!" She greets them in excitement. Anthony's eyes widen upon seeing the familiar face.

"Lisa!" He exclaims, waving his tiny hands enthusiastically. She makes a stop, pulling a pan au chocolat from the paper bag and looks at Lèa, silently asking for her permission. The older woman smiles and nods.

"Pour toi," she bends down to meet the little boy at eye level. Anthony's eyes widen even further at the sight of the sweet treat. He reaches for it eagerly, breaking into a little dance.

"Anthony," Lèa calls him and tilts her head towards Lisa, her smile firmly in place.

"Merci!" The boy practically shouts, and Lisa can't help but feel a twinge of guilt at adding more sugar to the already enthusiastic toddler.

"De rien, Anthony." She says as she perches back on her bike and bids her goodbye. "Au revoir, Lèa."


Lisa parks her bike in the driveway beside her wife's Porsche. Although they've agreed to scale back their extravagant lifestyle and embrace simplicity, her wife insists on keeping her custom-designed car, affectionately dubbed as the 'Nini Car', a choice to which Lisa has no objections. Well, when it comes to her beloved wife, she has no objections to practically anything. She would book a flight to the moon in a heartbeat should her wife ask her to, so she can prove that she loves her to the moon and back.

The aroma that greets Lisa as she steps in her house brings a smile to her face. Her wife's soft voice gets clearer as she pads closer to the kitchen. Pausing as she catches sight of her wife, Lisa takes a moment to savor the enchanting sight before her. Her wife's presence never fails to captivate her, leaving her breathless each time.

Jennie, the woman she met nearly two decades ago, married three years ago, is concentrating on stacking pancakes while explaining what she's doing to the phone perching on the counter in front of her. With her hair loosely gathered in a ponytail, strands escape to frame her small face. Furrowing her brows in concentration, she purses her lips while delicately arranging slices of strawberry atop a bed of whipped cream.

"And voila! The Vegan Pancake à la Jennie is ready to serve!" She excitedly exclaims. Her cat eyes squint and her nose scrunch as she always does when she's thrilled.

Jennie must sense Lisa's presence, as her gaze shifts toward Lisa and a radiant smile spreads across her face as she silently mouths 'hi'.

"You filming already?" Lisa asks as she draws near, to which Jennie simply nods, her gaze shifting warily to her phone. Lisa chuckles, amused by Jennie's reluctance to disrupt the filming. So Lisa, being the playful soul that she is, decides to tease her wife by deliberately doing exactly that, by reaching for Jennie's waist and planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"Don't worry, I'll cut this part. I'm your editor anyway." Lisa says with a chuckle while nudging her nose to Jennie's before planting another kiss on her lips.

The horror evident on Jennie's face after the kiss is the least Lisa expected. It takes her a few seconds before she finally shifts her gaze towards the phone. With arms still wrapped around Jennie, Lisa can see a torrent of comments scrolling by at lightning speed that she can't read even if she tries.





Fuck fuck fuck fuck






"Baby, you're live..." Lisa whispers, her face paling suddenly. Thank god she clings to Jennie, keeping her from collapsing to the floor.

Jennie can only manage a quiet "Yeah..." as she holds onto her wife, who looks like she's about to pass out.


Sooo... What do you guys think? Should I go on with the next part?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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