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"Why are we here again?" Lisa says while eyeing a manta ray gracefully gliding above them.

"To feed you to the shark if you keep asking me the same thing again and again," Bona side-eyes the younger girl, "To talk, duh."

"I mean why here? It's so, you know, public." Hence, the whispering. Lisa spares a glance at her fake girlfriend and when she looks at the aquarium again, the manta she has been eyeing for the past ten minutes is now out of sight.

"We're faking a relationship, might as well make it a date." Bona winks and clicks her tongue though it is muffled by the mask she is wearing. "And calm down, we're covered enough. With this dim light, people barely recognize us."

Lisa lets out a resigning sigh. Bona makes sense. Now that she is here, the least she can do is have fun while getting to know her 'girlfriend' better to make this make-believe believable. And this aquarium is not bad at all. While it might be a typical place to visit for a date, she has to admit that the place offers beauty she can't see often. Her hand instinctively dips in her purse before taking her phone out to snap some pictures here and there.

Too immersed in capturing colorful tropical fish with sturdy reefs that make a perfect background, she doesn't realize that Bona is no longer beside her as the latter is happily skipping to keep up with a school of yellow fish that are swimming in the tank on her left. As if realizing that there is a certain girl who is racing with them, the fish make a turn and go further in the opposite direction, escaping her.

"Yah!" Bona makes a sudden stop. And that causes Lisa who's running after her to bump into her. Hard. The collision makes the Korean, being a petite girl compared to the Thai, almost fly if it weren't for Lisa's quick reflex. With her long arm, she manages to grab Bona's wrist and jerk it back, making the older girl's body swing back towards her. Lisa catches her, securing her in her arms, causing their bodies to be pressed onto one another.

Within such proximity, Lisa can't help looking at Bona's eyes, admiring how bluish they are from the reflection of the water. "This is the part where we kiss," Bona whispers.

Lisa pulls away immediately and that means Bona is now in the arms of gravity. "Oh shit, sorry!" She scrambles to help her up.

But the other girl is laughing her ass off on the floor, not a glint of irritation on her face, unlike what people would normally feel from being practically thrown onto the ground just like that. "Even the blue light fails to tone down how red your face is," Bona says between cackles.

Lisa is too embarrassed to come up with a comeback, without a word she extends her hand to which Bona takes to finally get off the floor. "I guess that means no kissing in this relationship."

"Unnie.." Lisa whines.

"No, seriously. We're here to talk about our arrangements, including how far I'm allowed to, you know, improvise."

Lisa spares a few seconds to let it sink in. "No, I don't think that will be necessary," but she adds immediately with "No offense."

"None taken." Bona shrugs. "How about holding hands?"

"It's okay. A bit of skinship won't do any harm. Besides, we have to make the impression that there's something going on between us." Lisa points to herself and Bona at the word 'us' and the latter smiles at it.

"Cool." Bona takes Lisa's hand right away and fiddles with it, measuring how it fits in her own hand. "Damn your hands are huge. And look at those long fingers." She looks at Lisa seductively. Actually, she licks her lips too but Lisa doesn't know with the mask covering it.

Lisa pulls her hand right away and shoves it in the pocket of her hoodie.

"That means no sex, definitely."

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