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The morning light hit Taylor's face, waking her up. She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Elizabeth's brown hair. It was Christmas Day. "Baby..." The blonde whispered in her girlfriend's ear softly. Elizabeth slowly started to wake up.

"Oh... Good morning!" The sleepy girl said with a small smile. "Marry Christmas baby!" Taylor said happily to her girlfriend. "Marry Christmas! What time is it?"

"Haha Well it's like 7am. But don't be mad! I want to be sure that we'll not be late for the presents." The singer laughed hoping that she will make the other girl laughing too. "Oh my... Taylor! Anyway let's see it they really woke up."

They were now standing in the middle of the living room alone. Actually no body woke up yet. "See no one is up I told you!" The brunette said. "Yeah..." The blonde sighed. "How the kids are not excited for opening the presents?" She continued.

Elizabeth shook her shoulders up and down and started to leave the room. The two girlfriends were their shared bed hugging each other while Elizabeth was holding her phone scrolling on her social media.

"Andrea please! Let me put your pants on." Estee, Marks wife was screaming down the hall while running after their three years old daughter. The little girl was laughing, screaming and running in all the house only having her panties on. "No!" The little girl responded. A bang was heard and immediately followed by a big screaming and crying. "Oh my God Andrea!" Laurens voice was heard after the door.

"Well they are up!" Taylor said getting out the bed. "They are so loud!" Elizabeth groaned in annoyance following her girlfriend opening the door. "Merry Christmas!" Taylor said to Rebbeca as she was the first that the blonde saw in the hallway. "Oh hi girls! Merry Christmas! The rest are in the living room. Come on." The brunette woman said.

Downstairs, the room was full of the family. They were chatting, laughing, the kids trying to convince their parents to let them to open the presents. "And look at them they are up! Merry Christmas girls!" Harry told them. "You should say 'Merry Christmas' too. I said it for too much time and it's only 9 am." Taylor scolded her girlfriend because Elizabeth wasn't the best at wishing the two words.

"Merry Christmas and good morning!" Elizabeth said. She woke up really grumpy but was trying not to kill the others vide. "Please, daddy let me open them!" Eddie, Harry's and Aurora's son cried out.

"Okay everybody... Let's open our presents!" Jack got up from his armchair speaking. Suddenly all the kids were running to the christmas tree getting the presents. "I've got you one too!" Taylor said to Elizabeth while getting up and trying to get through the little crowd of kids getting at the shiny tree getting her girlfriend's present. "Wait I have got you one too! It's the black one!" The brunette said to the singer.

Taylor was back on the couch next to Elizabeth holding the two presents in her hands. They were two little boxes. One black and one a beautiful light shade of pink. "Okay you give me my present for you and your present." The brunette said. Taylor handed her the pink box and she kept the black one. "At the same time okay?" The blonde said. "Three, two, one!" They both said at the same time and opened the boxes. "You got me a necklace!" They both said excitedly at the same time.

"Shut the fuck up!" Taylor said laughing at themselves. "No way that we have got us the same presents!" Elizabeth responded smiling. "Oh my! This is so cool!" Taylor looked at the necklace in the box. It was a gold one that had a small circle hanging on it with the letter "E" on it. Elizabeth's one was the same only Taylor's initial on it.

"Woah you two are really something." Noah said while he had his son Max on his lap while the little boy was playing with the car that he got. "Put it on my neck!" Taylor said excitedly to her girlfriend. Elizabeth locked the necklace at the blonde's neck and it fitted perfectly, Taylor doing the same with the brunette.


The Gold family was sitting at the table taking the first table of the day. They were all chatting and laughing. Taylor and Elizabeth called Andrea and Scott, showing them happy their presents.

The day went by really fast and now Taylor and Elizabeth were sitting in their room getting ready for sleep. "Today was fun. I really had a good time with your family." The blonde girl said while getting into the bed under the covers. "Yeah me too! I am happy that you guys are getting along so well."

Taylor wrapped her arms around the other girl and started kissing her face utilising their lips met. It was a slow kiss but with so much passion. "I don't want this night to end already." She said starting to take Elizabeth's t-shirt off leaving the girl with her tits exposed and her new necklace hanging on her neck. The blonde's mouth met the brunette's nippel sucking it slowly making the other girl moan in pleasure.

Not many minutes later their clothes were on the floor, Elizabeth was on her back while Taylor was on her. "Merry Christmas for the last time tonight baby!" The blonde said while her face was straight going to Elizabeth's core. "Marry Christmas!" Elizabeth said, her moans filling the room.

Their first Christmas together!!!!! I hope that you got who is who in Elizabeth's family. And if you didn't just tell me and I will write them in the next chapter to understand who is who.🩷🫶🏻

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