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"Good morning." Taylor said to her family while walking into the kitchen with her hand into Elizabeth's. Last night they had fun, luckily no one heard them.

The blonde young woman had her body covered in little black marks from Elizabeth but luckily she could hide them with her clothes. During the night she felt like she was in heaven when the brunette was with her face buried between her legs eating her out.

She admitted to her girlfriend that it was the best 'eating out session' she ever had makithem both laughing hysterically at the 3am in the morning. The singer only laid on her back enjoying the feeling. Well she wanted to return it through the night to Elizabeth but the brunette refused.

"Morning girls." Andrea said to them as they both sit down at the table next to each other. Austin and Scott were there too.

The young man didn't even turned to them because his head was laying on the table. He kept murmuring something under his breath. He was hungover from last night even if he hadn't drank that much the alcohol still kicked in.

"You look awful!" Taylor said to him. Austin only showed her the middle finger making the three women and Scott to laugh at him.

Andrea comes with two plates and lays them in front of the girls. Elizabeth's eyes immediately lit up at the sight. She took the toast in her right hand taking it to her mouth and taking a bite.

At the taste she hummed making the old blonde woman to smile at her. "This. Is. So. Good." She said while turning to Taylor's mom.

"Thank you dear!" She answered still smiling and returning to her break fast. "Do you like it Tay?" she turned her head to her girlfriend who was still looking at her plate.

Taylor wasn't hungry. She felt something in her stomach that didn't allowed her to eat. It happened before but now it started to happen more and more.

She somehow felt insecure about her body. People started to say that she got a tummy assuming that maybe she was pregnant. Which was totally false. What she 'realised' through the time since she started her habit with food, that if she eats less and works out until she feels like she's passing out she would lose weight more easily.

Well it was true but her health started to get in danger. For example, last week when she was in the studio rehearsing for the tour she almost passed out.

"Taylor?" She heard her girlfriend's voice calling her. She finally snapped from her thoughts and looked at the brunette who was looking at her, wondering why she didn't have responded in the first place.

"Yes?" Taylor asked Elizabeth. "Why aren't you eating?" Elizabeth changed the question when she saw that the blonde wasn't eating. "I'm not that hungry." She said quietly hoping fit the brunette to belive her. Somehow Elizabeth left it but still curious. She didn't wanted to pressure the girl.

"When are you leaving?" Scott asked. "Tomorrow morning." Taylor said. They had decided to spend another day with Taylor's parents.

Later that day Elizabeth was looking at her phone who was ringing in her hand looking blocked at the ID. Her mother finally decided to search for her daughter. Taylor was there too, looking at the brunette silently.

"What should I do?" Elizabeth asked her girlfriend when the screen turned black meaning that her mother hung down.

"Liz... You need to talk to her." Taylor spoke silently. Elizabeth only nodded, opening the phone and calling her back. After some seconds she answered.

"Yes?" A woman's voice was heard from the phone. "Hi Mom!" Elizabeth said still unsure about her decision but she finally took her heart in there theet and went with it.

"Elizabeth hello. It's been a while since we talked. Oh I saw that you called me but I was at work and then I forgot to call you back." Her mother spoke into a british accent.

"It's okay actually." The brunette responded looking at the blonde that was looking at her with a small proud smile.

"How is school?" The woman asked. "It's fine." Elizabeth took a moment to respond at that but still got the words to tell her. "Mhm... Well Theodore told me something... Actually to the entire family. That hmm... What to say... That you have a relationship?"

The brunette's mouth was open. She didn't knew what to respond. Well she knew that they had found out but still made her 'shocked'.

"W-Well yeah. I am." She spoke silently almost not being heard. "Beth I think I should have known from you. Not from your brother or internet." Lauren spoke in annoyance. She wasn't the happiest when she found out who was her daughter seeing.

Well she didn't had nothing with Taylor but the fact that they were both girls made her kinda mad. From what her husband Jack, Elizabeth's father says 'that people will point them out because they have a kid who is gay' she agreed.

"That's why I tried to call you. I wanted to tell you. I really do but you didn't answer and didn't even called me back." Elizabeth spoke fast starting slowly to get mad at her mother. She was always like that.

"After I already found out? Anyway I don't think that this topic is for talking it on the phone. When are you coming in London?" She changed the subject.

"I don't know... I have a lot of work to do." Elizabeth spoke. Yeah she missed home but from what she thought, she'll never feel there like home.

"How are the others about it?" She asked her mother. "Well your father is mad, really mad but the others are okay with it from the reactions they had. You should talk to Jack." The old woman spoke.

That scared Elizabeth a little that she has to talk to her father. To clarify he never hit her or her siblings but instead he would scold them for everything they've done. That's how he was treated when he was young and that's how he treated his kids.

But still he loves them all.Even if he doesn't shows it or says it. He always tried to do the best for them.

What scared Elizabeth was that she was scared of what he would tell her. She always felt like her father was disappointed in her which was not true, and telling him that she was gay maybe 'made' him even more disappointed.

"I will try to talk with him but i want to when I come in London. Please tell him that I am sorry and I want to discuss with him in person." She didn't knew why she was apologising but did.

"Yes I will talk with him. I need to go I was in my break and some stupid mad came with his neck broken and I need to go. Take care of you and oh... Respond on the group chat. Because you never do." The neurosurgeon spoke laughing at the part with the man that came.

They closed the phone. Elizabeth looked at her girlfriend who was already looking at her with curiosity hoping that the girl will tell her what thay had talked about.

"So..." Taylor said. "So dad is mad, she is mad too, my siblings are okay with it. That little rat of Theodore had shown them the pictures. She told me to visit them and to respond on the group chat." She told Taylor without taking a break.

"Yes interesting. At least it was okay..." Taylor chuckled silently. "Yeah well at least she could have called me when she was home but no she called when she was on her break and some man came with his neck broken." Elizabeth spoke.

Taylor laughed at that making the other girl laughing too.

The rest of the day they spent it with the Swift family, Elizabeth trying to clear her head after the talk with her mother.

Short chapter. Yeahh See you next chapter!!!💕💕

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