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"Lizzie are you ready?" Selena asks her friend. They know each other for some years now they met online when Elizabeth commented a funny thing in Selena's post.

"How do I look like?" Her friend came out wearing a satin baby blue short dress. "You are really into this party!" The singer told the new student making them both laughing. "Well thank you! Now let's go until I change my mind." The brunette girl starts to head to the door.

They get into the car, in the back. "I am so happy that you accepted to come. Taylor will be so happy." Selena tells her. "We don't even know each other. Well I know her, but she doesn't know me."

"Not yet."

The drive there was silently after Selena's answer. Elizabeth was looking out the window while admiring New York. She always wanted to live there but after she got into Harvard she moved in Boston. The future doctor wasn't very comfortable there, she has no friends there maybe just a girl or two to hangout or to walk to their next classes.

She liked more to stay alone, study and listen to music and yes, she is is a big fan of the blonde singer Taylor Swift, a swiftie but she also listens to other musicians and bands too.

"We are here Ms. Gomez." Selena's driver breaks the silence.

The paparazzi was there waiting for the other celebrities to appear at the famous' party. "Are you ready Lizzie?" "Yes!"

"Don't answer to any questions they ask you and hold my hand." Selena gets out the car while holding the same height girl's hand. At their appearing the cameras git crazy some of the people asking who is the girl dressed in the blue dress.

In some of Selena's pictures Elizabeth appeared too but still the people were asking who was she.

When the get in the building Elizabeth let's go of her friend's hand and fixes her hair who got disturbed by the wind. "Okay now... Clear your mind from all your work from school and have fun!" Selena tells her while smiling. "Thank you! You need to have fun too!" "I will!"

The brunette singer goes in front of her to show the bodyguard her invitation. Elizabeth was about to get in when the tall man puts a hand in front if her. "Your invitation miss." She looks at him and then at Selene who for sure forgot to tell that Elizabeth was with her. "I am with her here! Selena!" The girl yells for Selena. When the actor turns around she starts laughing remembering that her friend doesn't have an invitation.

"Oh my God I am so sorry. She's with me don't worry!" She comes back to 'rescue' her friend who now was on the roof of the tall building.

"I am so sorry Lizzie I forgot that you don't have an invitation!" Selena apologised but her friend puts her hand on her face assuming her that it was fine.

"What a good start of the night!" Elizabeth tells her sarcastically but laughing. "Let's go and introduce you to Taylor!" Selena says excitedly and drags her friend through the crowd to get to the blonde tall singer.

"Taylor!" The brunette singer let's go of Elizabeth's hand and waves to her. "Hey! You are finally here!" Taylor tells them. "Okay let me introduce you. Taylor this is Elizabeth my friend I told you about and Elizabeth this is Taylor!"

Taylor looks at her with her mouth wide open letting out a smile. "Hi it's nice to meet you! Selena told me so many things about you!" She spokes with smile on her face while takes Elizabeths hand to shake.

"I am Elizabeth. It's a pleasure to meet you." Elizabeth smiles and lets a little blush at Taylors touch. She thinks to herself that the blone woman was more beautiful in person. Well she always had a soft spot for Taylor even if she never met her until now but never thought that it could be more than just an appreciation for her.

Yes when Taylor was in relationships Elizabeth had a touch of jealousy because her ex boyfriends could have such a beautiful, talented, charismatic, funny and smart woman but she thinks it was there because of her appreciation for her.

Taylor let's go of her soft hand and turns to her drink. "Come drinking guys It's going to be a long night!"

Elizabeth was sitting next to Selena at the end of the couch with a glass of alcohol in her hand. Taylor was sitting on the couch opposite her, the singer sometimes when no one was watching looked at the brunette girl admiring her. Taylor admitted to herself since Selena showed the blonde girl a photo of her on the phone that she was beautiful but always tried to shake the thought off.

Not because of Elizabeth but because she was scared. Scared if what the others will think. Yes of course you can think that someone that is the same gender as you beautiful or pretty but Taylor thought that mire than just a friendly compliment.

"Let's dance cuz once in lifetime Taylor Swift releases 1989!" Gigi Hadid the beautiful model was there too, screaming and getting up starting dancing making all of the group laugh. The alcohol was really kicking in, Elizabeth thought to herself while laughing and catching Taylors eyes for a second.

They all get up and go dancing. The brunette girl was jumping up and down around Selena and Karlie Kloss.

Not after much time of jumping the student got tierd and goes to get a drink. While she was waiting someone sits next to her on the chairs. "Are you having fun?" It was unexpected to hear the blonde singer next to her. "Yes! Actually before coming I thought that I'll be sitting on the sofa all alone regretting why I came but actually I am having so much fun!"

At her words, Taylor let out a chuckle. "I am happy that you're having fun! You know... Your name reminds me of a song that wears it 'Elizabeth' but I am too drunk right now to remember the band that sings it. I only heard it once and I can say that I was surprised because it's a rock song and I never found this type of music calming to listen but I like it. Dad used to put old rock bands when we were in the car." Taylor was so excited while she told Elizabeth that.

The shorter girl smiles at her and taking a sip from her drink that got there while the blonde was speaking. "Well I am happy to hear that maybe when you'll remember the name of the band we could listen to it." She looks at her with her head in her hand. After a second she realises that she told her that 'they' will listen to the band wich means that they'll meet again right?

"I am going back at the others are you coming?" Taylor speaks while getting up clearly dizzy from the all the alcohol she drank this night. "Woah you good?" The worried Elizabeth asks while getting up fast to take the blondes arm making sure that she doesn't fall. Taylor was much taller than Elizabeth but luckily for the brunette she was wearing really high high heels tonight and she was almost Taylors original height.

After the mini incident the go back dancing and having fun the whole night.

"Thank you so much for coming! See you two tomorrow night.. Uh actually tonight!" Taylor says whith a big smile on her face. "What do you mean?" Elizabeth asks, she knew nothing about it. "Taylor invited us to join her 'tonight' at a dinner it's going to be more private not with loud music and shit." Selena spokes. "Oh then see you 'tonight'!"

"Thank you for coming!" The blonde hugs Selena and then Elizabeth. When Taylors arms met Elizabeths body they both felt something. They couldn't figure what was it but it was something there. It was nice from what Taylor thought.

TADADAADAAA NEW STORY. I am so happy for this and EXCITED. I have so many ideas and I hope that I'll finish it how I want.
Who do you think is the song from??
Se you in the next chapter I have an idea for it and I hope that you'll like it.🩶

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