Chapter 17 : Dating THE Archon

Começar do início

Ei: Don't worry, I bet you probably look cute anyway~

(Y/N): Ugh, it's just embarrassing...


Then days passed, it's now the night before their departure to Liyue in the morning. (Y/N) is up late again still working on his desk in the office while Ei just finished up packing their stuff that they need to bring on the trip. Recently, Ei have been noticing how tired (Y/N) has been the last few days. He'd be already working early on in the morning and then he'll go to bed with Ei late at night. (Y/N) sipped on his cup of coffee to keep him awake then returned back to his work, then he felt a familiar touch around his neck from the back, he didn't even noticed Ei entered the room, already in her nightgown, ready to sleep.

(Y/N): Oh, hey, love...why are you not asleep yet? 

Ei: Let me ask you that back, why are you not asleep yet?

(Y/N) sighed, he knows he's been working extra hours lately and Ei couldn't sleep without him or atleast knowing he'll come to bed soon.

(Y/N): Just a little bit more, love...I'm almost done...

Ei let out a long a heavy sigh as she looked at his desk, noticing a huge stack of paper, he definitely wasn't almost done. Ei didn't want to interrupt his work whatsoever but she thought he already done enough and he needs some well earned rest. Ei thought for a bit how to make him leave his work and just rest already, after a while, she suddenly settles on how to do it.

Ei: Love, stop what you're doing for a moment...

Ei said softly in his ear, (Y/N) complied, too tired to question why. Ei let go of (Y/N) neck and moved in front of him, pushing his chair back slightly while having one hand planted on his shoulder. Ei sat on his lap and straddled him, she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. She kissed him for a while, making it long and passionate. Eventually, she pulled back.

(Y/N): Love, I still have wor-

When (Y/N) was about to complain, Ei quickly covered his mouth with her hand, not letting him even finish his sentence. She removed her hand then kissed him again, this time longer. She pulled back and looked at his tired eyes deeply.


Ei asked, she knows this was going to make him fold and finally have a proper rest with her. (Y/N) knew what she was doing and she's probably right, he does need a proper rest before hopping on the boat to go to liyue tomorrow. (Y/N) sighed and just leaned forward to kiss her again, him taking the initiative this time, it's clear what was his answer to Ei.

Ei: That's better...

Ei mumbled in between the kiss. They kissed for a while, Ei pulling back eventually.

Ei: Let's get to bed, love, you need some rest...

Ei said as she cupped his cheek and caressed it with her thumb. (Y/N) only managed to reply back with a nod. He stood up slowly from his chair as took hold of her legs to carry her while her arms was still wrapped around his neck. Ei couldn't help but let out a suggestive and soft chuckle before her lips was on his again as (Y/N) started walking to their bedroom. (Y/N) carried her to the bedroom, kissing while at it. Once they got to the bedroom, (Y/N) slowly lied Ei down on the bed,  both of their lips still locked together. He got onto the bed too and continued the kiss while he's on top of her. They eventually switched places and now Ei was on top of him this time. Later on, they decided to sleep already, Ei hugging (Y/N), her head on his chest and his arm where she was wrapped around her. They drifted off to sleep soon enough.

The night went by and now it's another morning. Ei made sure to wake up earlier and wake up (Y/N) with her.

Ei: Love, come on, get up. Beidou's waiting on us...

SHE'S THE ARCHON?! (Ei [Raiden Shogun] x male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora