Chapter 14 : The 14th (Valentine's Day Special)

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The eventually night went by, them kissing like there's no tomorrow until they fall asleep. It's now a new day, but not just any other day, it's Valentine's day and their first day as an official couple. So what better way to celebrate the day of the hearts than to spend time with your beloved? The rays of the sun bathed them through the window of Ei's bedroom as (Y/N) started to wake up, his right arm still around Ei and Ei hand on his chest still clinging onto him, having the best sleep of her life after what just happened last night. (Y/N) was already starting to wake up since he usually wakes up earlier than Ei. (Y/N) slowly let go of Ei and tried to get up from the bed gently. After a bit of struggle, he finally got out of Ei's embrace and got up from the bed. Before he can go further away from the bed, he felt Ei pull him back onto the bed by his wrist and to their original position earlier. Ei said groggily, still with a hint of affection with her eyes still closed.

Ei: Just stay a bit longer...we don't have to work today's a Saturday...

(Y/N) said back with the same tone since he's still sleepy and tired.

(Y/N): I was about to make us breakfast...

When Ei heard that, she just cuddled (Y/N) tighter, (Y/N) getting the message instantly. He hugged Ei back and tried to get comfy on the bed again. Ei smiled at his embrace and pressed her body more onto (Y/N)'s. Both of them started to feel sleepy again and eventually fell asleep together, cuddling. They slept in for hours until they eventually woke up earlier than noon, around 10 A.M.-ish. They woke up still cuddling, when their eyes open and see each other, they couldn't help but smile and look at one another full of love and affection. (Y/N) then remembered what day it was, he said in a sweet and warm tone with a hint of grogginess in his voice.

(Y/N): Happy Valentine's Day, love~

Ei blushed and started to feel her heart flutter when she was greeted and called "love" by him. It woke her up and she also started to remember it was Valentine's day.

Ei: Oh, Happy Valentine's Day too, love~

The both of them giggled at just how sweet they're acting early on in the morning, they then shared a deep and passionate kiss. After, Ei nuzzled into (Y/N)'s neck lovingly as a way to show her affection. (Y/N) and Ei couldn't help but giggle again.

(Y/N): What do you want for breakfast?

Ei: Anything really...I just really want to be with you today all day's Valentine's day after all, love...

Ei said, nuzzling further into his neck and gave him tiny kisses there. After the kisses, (Y/N) then started to get up and sat on the edge of the bed, putting his shirt back on since Ei removed it from his body last night due to the heat of the moment. When he was done, he got up and walked to the door of the bedroom, saying something before leaving.

(Y/N): Oh, love, I'll bring our breakfast here by the way, so just lie down and relax while I'm cooking, okay?

Ei: Okay, love, I'll be waiting~

(Y/N) then left and went to the kitchen with a slight smile on his face. Ei noticed it and couldn't help but chuckle to herself.

Ei: God, he's so sweet~

Ei then yawned and rubbed her eyes, the thoughts of her and (Y/N) last night starting to flood in as she reminisced last night's events between the both of them. She blushed when she remembered their kiss last night then grabbed a pillow to scream into it because she just can't contain herself and her heart as it flutters at the thought of the kiss. She eventually calmed herself down and just stared outside the bedroom window happily, knowing this day will be great for the both of them.

After a while, (Y/N) finally came back with a tray with two plates which was their breakfast for the day. He went sat on the edge of the bed, the side where Ei was lying down. He put down the tray on the nightstand beside the bed and kissed Ei on the cheek after. Ei giggled and started to sit up on the bed, half of her body still under the blanket.

Ei: Okay, okay! I'm getting up already!

The both of them laughed and (Y/N) handed her plate to her and took his own, they then began to eat. The bedroom was silent, no words needed to be said as they enjoy their breakfast with the company of each other in comforting silence, the utensils hitting the plate echoed in the room.

At the middle of their breakfast, Ei noticed that (Y/N) had some sauce from the food near the corner of his mouth, she stopped eating and put down her plate on her lap then scooted closer to him. She cupped his face with one hand and waited for him to stop eating for a bit. (Y/N) noticed and stopped eating, putting his plate aside and letting go of it. Ei then wiped of the sauce with her thumb, the rest of her fingers still holding the side of (Y/N)'s face. After, she let's go of his face and licked the sauce from her thumb. She then placed her hands on (Y/N)'s shoulder and leaned in to kiss him. Their lips meet and (Y/N) responded by kissing back, the kiss was full of passion but it was also slow and sensual. The both of them eventually pulled back, a giggle escaping their mouths after. Both of them looked at each other lovingly, staring in each other's eyes deeply.

Ei: I love you...

(Y/N): I love you too...

They then kissed again before pulling back again.

(Y/N): Let's go out later, love, let's make it a date~

Ei then chuckled softly

Ei: I was about to ask you that, but I guess we have the same idea~

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