Chapter 8 : Too Scared, Too Early

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After eating their food, the group was stuffed so they decided to sit it out and rest at their table a bit to let the food get settled. After a bit of rest, they're more comfortable now and less stuffed but the group can't help to feel like they need to use the restroom.

(Y/N): I wanna use the restroom, gotta take a leak. Ayato, wanna come with?

Ayato: Yeah, I gotta take a leak too before we go shopping.

The two boys stood up and went to the men's restroom.

Yae: Ei, let's take a leak too before we go, we still have a long day.

Ei: Yeah, sure, I was about to do that anyway.

The two girls then went to the women's restroom.

At the men's restroom

The two guys finished their business and now they're washing their hands. Ayato then remembers something he wants to ask (Y/N). While washing their hands, Ayato brought it up.

Ayato: You like Ei don't you?

(Y/N): How'd you know?

Ayato: It's obvious y'know, we've been friends for a while, I know what you always look like when you like someone.

(Y/N): I can't believe it's that obvious...

Ayato: So, have you confessed yet?

(Y/N): Nah, I think it's too early. Plus, I'm still scared...

In Ayato's head

Ayato: They literally like each other, if one of them just confesses already, they'll surely make it official on the spot.

Back to reality

(Y/N): Atleast I'm trying to hint it at her.

Ayato: Like how?

(Y/N): When we baked dessert earlier, I made pink, heart shaped mochis for her.

Ayato: What else?

(Y/N): I called her cute one time...

Ayato: Hm...well, honestly all I can do is wish you the best, man.

(Y/N): Yeah...thanks...

Ayato: No problem, man. Don't worry, I'm sure Ei will like you back.

Back to Ayato's head

Ayato: Ei already likes you y' just have to confess...

Back to reality

Ayato: Just let it happen eventually, man. It'll happen...eventually.

Meanwhile at the women's restroom

After the girls finished their business, they washed their hands, Yae brought up the same topic.

Yae: So~?

Ei: What do you mean "so"?

Yae: Come on, you know who I'm talking about~

Ei: Oh? (Y/N)?

Yae: Who else? How did the baking date went?

Ei: It went well honestly, I even accidentally made his favorite flavor of mochi. He said he loved my desserts, his was great too, especially the heart shaped mochis he made. But, I did found out something about him.

Yae: What is it?

Ei: When we're talking about our types, he said that back then in his highschool days, he found a girl that fits his type. I asked who was it, he said it was Ningguang and apparently...she's his ex.

Yae: Well, atleast they're not together anymore right?

Ei: Mhm, he said that it was ages ago and he already moved on, good for him honestly.

Yae: Good for you too, now it's your chance to win his heart. Oh wait, I forgot, did you do it already?

Ei: Confess? Well...I tried to but I got scared in the end.

Yae: Knew it~ I made a bet with Ayato that if you decided to try and confess, you'd be too scared, I won~

Ei: Shut up,, it's too early. Don't expect much.

Yae then giggled a bit, she always enjoyed teasing Ei.

Yae: Chill out, just teasing ya~

Ei let out a long sigh and also giggled a bit, she expected this kind of teasing from Yae anyway.

Ei: I know, I know...

Yae: But to be honest though, I could honestly see you two work, there's that chemistry with you two.

Ei: You do?

Yae: Mhm, I wish you could just confess to him already, I'm sure he likes you too.

Ei: You don't know that though...

Yae: I know, I know, but it's just my gut feeling. I'll ask you though, do you think he likes you too?

Ei: Well, I hope so. I don't wanna jinx it.

Yae: Hm...well, if you ever try to confess again, just do it. It will never hurt to try, atleast that way, you know his answer.

Ei was about to say "what if he rejected me?", but she knows she might jinx it so she didn't say anything back.

Yae: To put you at ease though, I'll just say, let it happen. It will happen eventually, you just gotta be patient.

Ei: No point of worrying about the future if you're just only at the present. You don't know what the future holds.

Yae: Exactly~

Ei then let out another long sigh.

Ei: Let's just enjoy our double date today, I don't wanna stress myself out.

Yae: Good thinking, Ei~ We should~

- hellooo, me again, I promise the next chapter will be the last chapter for (Y/N)'s first day at work arc. I'm already excited making the chapters after this arc lol.
Tiny spoiler: Next chapter will be titled "Under the Influence"
-smolsz <3

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