Chapter 3

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"Do you feel the chill,

Clawing at the back of your neck?

I start to spill.

Did you really think that you could fix me?

They'll sell your bones for another roll.

We'll sharpen your teeth.

Tell yourself that it's just business."

Chapter 3

Hazel’s POV

“Why do you have to be such an asshole all of the sudden when we’re around people?” I ask Spencer.

“Because I have to be,” He grunts irritatingly trying to pull me faster away from the cabin. He glares at me when I called him an asshole.

“That’s not a really good excuse,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, I can’t show my best friend that I let it slide when you call me names like that! He knows that I don’t respond well those kinds of stuff and he might think something’s up with me so I have to act like my usual self.”

“But you’re basically lying to him and he’s your best friend. You can’t do that! It’s in the best friend code book!”

“I know I’m lying to him but it’s just a little white lie. He’ll let it go. Plus, once you’re out of my grasp he won’t question about it and we probably won’t see each other again.”

My heart sunk when I heard that. I really liked talking-well more like arguing-with Spencer and I don’t really feel comfortable around guys ever since the whole abusive boyfriend thing. But somehow, I felt more contented around him.

“That’s great. I can’t wait to never see you again,” I lie smoothly so he doesn’t suspect anything.

Soon we were in a courtyard with fountains and shops in it. It reminded me of the medieval times. When we got there, I felt the rope constricting my neck come off.

Spencer stopped and looked at me. “The bond is complete.”

“You said it would take a day or two?”

“It’s different for everybody.”

I nod and we sat down on the fountain edge.

“I should probably explain you the rules of being a slave. Just because your friend is becoming friends with Lucas doesn’t mean both of you are going to have it easy,” Spencer explains, “Lucas he’s—“ He stops midsentence to think, “He’s not a good guy and I’m not either. We may seem like it to you but we’ve done a lot of things before and we probably will do them again.”

“Things like what?”

“You’ll figure it out sooner or later. Also, I have to warn you not to trust anybody here in hell, even the ones who seem innocent. They got in hell for some reason and you should know that it’s not a good reason.” It kind of makes sense to me.

“Now on to the rankings, as you know Lucas and I have really high rankings. We’re probably the top two people who are the most powerful here. Lucas, as you should know is the Devil, he rules hell. I am part of the council of sins. There are 7 of us in this. You’ve heard of the 7 Deadly Sins right?”

I nodded in reply.

“Well I’m part of them and I’m the strongest.”

“Which one are you?” My curiosity was up now.

“I’m the Sin of Wrath.”

“That makes sense, seeing that you have anger issues and glares at anybody who even tries to talk to you.”

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