My Girl: Lando Norris

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Lando and Max had been streaming since Lando was bored and had time to kill before y/n got home from work. 

"Hey Lando, where's your girl at?" Max asked as they waited for another game to load up. 

"Oh she's at work, she should be home in the next hour or so depending on the numbers." He said. 

"Oh yeah that's right, I don't know why I asked that. Do you think she'll be up for some games when she gets home?" Max asked. 

"Probably depending on how she feels." He said as his phone lit up with a text with him making him frown. 

My Girl ❤️️: I know you're streaming, but I need you. Can you step out for a minute?

"Hey chat, I need step away for a few minutes, but Max will keep you entertained." Lando said ripping off his headset to go find you. 

He was barely out of the door when he felt you crash into him nearly knocking him over. He immediately knew something was wrong when he felt her shoulders start to shake, making him hold her tighter. 

"I'm sorry to take you away from your stream....I just had a really bad day at work and I desperately needed a hug from you and few minutes to break down." You said through tears. 

"hey hey you look at me." He said titling your chin so you could look at him. 

"Don't ever apologize for needing me, you're my girl, if you're having a bad or hell even a good day and just want to be with then tell me and I'll drop everything and be there with you. You're my beautiful, strong girl and I'll always drop everything to be there for you, okay?" He asked placing a kiss on your forehead. 

"Okay." You said taking a deep breath trying to calm your nerves. 

"I love you sweet girl."He said pressing a kiss to your lips. 

"I love you Lan. Do you think I could sit with you while you game?" You asked him.

"Of course whatever my girl wants." He said smiling at you. 

You guys made you into his gaming room where he sat down in his chair first and then pulled you into his lap. He turned back on the stream and immediately everyone started getting excited upon seeing you. 

"Hey guys, sorry about that but I'm back and I have my girl here with me now." He said leaning down and pressing a kiss to your head. 

You spent the rest of the evening curled up in Lando's lap enjoying the safety and comfort he brought you after a long and exhausting day. By the end of the night you were even playing a few games with Lando and Max, and interacting with chat much happier than you were when you came home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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