Here In Your Arms : Charles Leclerc

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Prompts used: Tell me about your day baby, let me make it better + You're home early! featuring Character B shuffling into Character A's arms


You were absolutely exhausted by the time you reached home, you were supposed to be let off nearly an hour and half ago but had to stay because some needed to go home more than you apparently. This was still early considering when you normally got off work but when you've been at work since 7 this morning and told that you were getting off at 4:30 only not to get off until 5:20, you would be exhausted and ready to climb into bed. You quietly grabbed your bags, and walked up to your house, where you opened the door and walked in dropping your bags by the door.

"Hey baby, you're home early!" Your boyfriend Charles said.

You didn't said anything but instead quietly made your way into his arms and let out a huge sigh as you felt him wrap his arms around you. He gently rocked you guys for a few minutes as he rubbed your back trying to help ease some of the stress off your body.

"Tell me about your day baby, let me make it better." He said.

"It was exhausting we were short staffed which isn't shocking, corporate came today, three kids got sick which reminds me I shouldn't even be touching you, and I got yelled at for sitting so my feet are killing me and let's not forget I was supposed to get off at 4:30 and didn't get off until 5:30 because apparently others needed to go home more than me." You said running a hand through your hair.

"I'm sorry that happened baby, why don't you take a seat on the couch while I draw up a bath for you to help relax your muscles? And once you are nice and relaxed we can order some takeout and watch a movie or something if you would like that?" He asked me.

"I would love that but first I need a kiss or two." I said looking at him with a smile.

"I can happily help with that." He said with a smile as he placed a few kisses on my lips and then all over my face making me giggle.

"There's that beautiful laugh. Take a seat on the couch and rest your feet while I draw you a baby, okay?" He asked as you nodded your head.

A few minutes later, he came back and picked you bridal style refusing to let you be on your feet any longer today and carried you to the bathroom. He set you gently on your feet, helping your undress and helping you into the tub.

"Take your time and relax baby, I'll be here when you are done." He said to you.

"Actually bubs, do you think you could stay here in with me and tell me about your day?" You asked looking up at him.
"Of course I can baby." He said taking a seat by the tub and telling you all about his day.

After about thirty minutes you were relaxed and ready to get and hungry as you and your boyfriend heard your stomach growling. He helped you out and dried you off before letting you get dressed before you guys made your way towards y'all's room.

"Baby you know what sounds good?" You asked him.

"What's that sweetheart?" He asked you.

"Pizza." You said with a smile as you two took a seat on your bed.

"I was hoping you say that." He said with a smile as a knock came to the front door.

You watched as he disappeared out of y'all's room and then a few minutes later he returns with food from y'all's favorite pizza place.

"I had a feeling that you might want pizza tonight. So while I was drawing your bath, I ordered our usual. I hope it's alright?" He asked taking a seat next to you on the bed and placing the food in front of you.

"I love how you can read my mind, this is perfect. Thank you." You said leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips.

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