Charles LecLerc: Best Christmas Present Ever

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Charles could hardly calm his excitement when your Christmas present got delivered today. He watched with a smile as the car was slowly lowered into the driveway, still in shock that he had actually found the thing and couldn't wait for you to see it. The car in question was your grandfathers 1999 Chevy Corvette that had been signed by Richard Petty and held a lot of memories to you, he remembers how sad you were when you told him about how your grandma had to sell the car off after his death to help pay some of the bills that were left over after his death. 

He thanked the delivery person and did an inspection of the car once more than he saw it in person compared to the numerous photos he had seen of the car. The only thing that was missing was Richard Petty's signature which the owner had said it had melted off over the years which Charles hoped was okay with you because you could always get Richard to sign again. Feeling satisfied with himself and needing to calm down his nerves before he had to go pick you up from work. 

  He finally got the text that your were about to get off from work and he made his way outside to cover up your present so you wouldn't see it until he was ready for you to which he was planning on giving it to you today. After everything was situated with the car, he made his way over to your workplace to pick up feeling even more nervous to show you it. He pulled up to your work place and smiled when he saw you walk out the door and over to your side of the car which he had already opened for you. 

"Hi Cherie, I missed you today. How was work?" He asked placing a kiss on your lips. 

"Hi Amour, I missed you too. It was good but tiring." You said giving him a tired smile. 

"Well I have something for you, it's one of your Christmas presents and I'm really nervous for you to see it." He said making you look at him confused. 

"Christmas present? Charlie its only the second week in December!" You said making him laugh. 

"I know Cherie, I know! But I had to order it in time for it to be here by Christmas and there's no way I can hide this from you until Christmas. So can I give it to you when we get home?" He asked nervously.

"Of course baby, you've got me curious now as to what it is." You said giving him a smile as he kissed your hand before pulling out of the parking lot. 

You guys talked about your days and other things on the drive home until finally you guys reached your home where you saw a car that was covered up sitting in the driveway. The more you looked at it, the more it started to look like the outline of a corvette. 

"Is that?" You asked your boyfriend in shock.

"Go see for yourself." He said unlocking the door and watching with a smile as you ran over and tore the cover off the car. 

You were rendered speechless at the sight of your grandfathers corvette sitting in front of you, you ran a hand over the car making sure it was real and you weren't seeing things before turning to look at your boyfriend. 

"Charlie?" You asked shocked. 

"Yes it's his car, I spent the last six months searching for this car so you could have it because I know how much meaning it has to you. When I found it I bought it from the guy who was more than happy to hear that it was going back to the original owners family." He said wrapping his arms around you. 

"I can't believe it after all this time, it's finally back in my hands. I remember how upset I was with grandma told me we had to sell because me and him were always going on adventures in here. He was supposed to take me to prom in this and so much more and to have it back in almost perfect shape is amazing." You said drying the few tears that had fallen. 

"Well there is one thing missing. The owner said that Richard Petty's signature had melted off over the course of the years." He said looking at you. 

"That's fine, we can always get it signed again. Thank you, thank you so much babe for this, you don't know how much it means to me." You said wrapping your arms around him. 

"No need to thank me Cherie, I know how much it meant to you. I was so happy that I found it and was able to buy it from the guy. So would you said it was a good Christmas present?" He asked you. 

"It's the best Christmas present ever actually, I love you Charlie." You said pressing a kiss to his lips. 

"I love you more Cherie, merry Christmas." He said smiling at you. 

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