Charles LecLerc: Good Luck Charms

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*2 Years Ago*

Charles had been making his way towards the Ferrari garage when his eyes landed on you. You were the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on and he was desperate to meet you. You stood there talking with Lewis as you held a child on your hip. Charles was getting ready to head to his garage when he heard Lewis call out after him.

"Charles! Mate come here and meet my friend." Lewis called out to him.

Charles shook the nerves out of his system, and made his way over to where you guys were, praying he didn't make a fool of himself. Once he got closer, he saw that you were wearing a Ferrari shirt which made him smile wondering who was your favorite him or Carlos.

"Charles this is my good friend y/n and her niece Reign." Lewis said.

"Nice to meet you y/n Im Charles. You're a Ferrari fan?" He asked you.

"Yes I am, you're actually my favorite driver but don't tell Lewis." You said with a laugh.

"That hurts y/n." Lewis said making Charles laugh.

"Secrets safe with me. And who's this cuties favorite?" He asked you.

"We're still trying to figure it out, but I would like to think she takes after me and likes Ferrari." You said making him smile.

"Or she'll end up like Mercedes." Lewis said as you rolled your eyes.

"Sure she will." You said to him.

Charles laughed as you watched you and Lewis argued back and forth with each other like you were siblings.

"Drivers please report to your cars, the race is about to start." A voice said over the intercom.

"Alright I've got to go, it was lovely to meet you y/n and Reign. I hope you enjoy the race and maybe I'll see you afterwards?" He said.

"Maybe you will. Good luck Charles." You said giving him that beautiful smile of yours.

Charles made his way towards his car with a big smile on his face, more determinate to have a really good race today since he knew you would be watching. The race was a tough and close one with Max winning, Charles in second, Sergio in third, and Lewis in fifth. Charles stood up on the podium eyes searching the crowd for you and Reign and smiling when he found you two, already making plans to find you two after everything.

You stood by the Ferrari garage hoping to see Charles before you had to leave since Reign was getting restless. After thirty minutes of waiting, you gave up feeling a bit disappointed and decided to head back to the hotel so Reign could rest. You carried Reign gently in your arms making sure she stayed asleep until you reached your car still thinking about Charles.

You reached your car and gently set her in car seat and buckling her in. You had just finished up when your phone vibrated making you pull it out as you saw a text from Lewis.

Lew 🏎️💨: Your boyfriend is headed to meet you at your car, so don't freak out and swing on him 👀

y/n 🫢: First off not my boyfriend 🙄and second off I would never punch his gorgeous self 😡

After texted Lewis back you looked up and saw Charles running over to you, making you look at him with a smile.

"Thank god your here. I swear I tried to find you and Reign as soon as I could." He said.

"It's alright Charlie, I understand but I'm glad that you still found us before we left." You said to him.

"Me too. I hope that I am not begin to froward with this but could I maybe have your number?" He asked you.

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