Book Husband. :Lewis Hamilton

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Prompt: Person A knows Person B loves to read so they decide to give them a book. At the end of each chapter Person A puts a sticky note with one thing loves about B so that Person B is inspired to finish a  chapter each day. After the last chapter, Person B is about to close the book when they see a bright corner of the last sticky note. They smile expecting another "your beautiful" or "your the best thing to ever happen to me" note but instead they read the four most beautiful words. "Will you marry me?"


It was no secret you loved to read and that's what Lewis loved about you. More often than not you either had your kindle or a physical copy of a book in your hands. What he loved the most is whenever he had to do paperwork or something, he would just cuddle up beside him and read your book getting lost in whatever story you were reading. He loved how you always ran to tell him your thoughts on the book you were reading and how emotional you got while reading a book. He also loved treating you to books that you mentioned you wanted to read and even build you custom bookshelves to display your books. The fans especially loved it because you would always give them recommendations or randomly give them books and plus they loved whenever you were shown through the race, you could always be seen reading or with a book in your hand. And they always said that Lewis was the embodiment of a book boyfriend.

Lewis knew he wanted to marry you hell he probably knew that from the second date but he wasn't sure how he wanted to purpose yet. He knew you probably want something low-key and simple that was just the two of you. He decided to go on social media to see if any ideas would show up when he logged on to Tik Tok and saw that you reposted a video where someone's boyfriend had purposed cutting a hole in the book and placing the ring inside of it and writing 'will you marry me' on the book. Lewis saw that you had wrote that this was a cute idea but you would kill your boyfriend if he ever did something like this, which made him laugh but also sort of gave him an idea on how to purpose to you.

He knew that the next book in the Ice Planet Barbarian Series you loved was coming out, so he went ahead and ordered it. Once it arrived he stole some of your sticky notes and started writing the different things he loved about you and placing each sticky note at the end of each chapter, with the big question "will you marry me?" at the end of the story.

"Bubs! I'm home!" You said.

"Be down in just a minute!" He said as he started to clean up his mess.

He grabbed the book and started to head downstairs to where you were excited to see your reaction to the book and the proposal. He made his way into the kitchen where he saw you looking around for a snack like you always did when you came home from work.

"Hmm I missed you my gorgeous girl." He said wrapping his arms around and placing a kiss on your cheek.

"I missed you more my handsome boyfriend." You said turning around and wrapping your arms around him before placing a kiss on his lips.

"What are you hiding behind your back?" You asked with a raised brow.

"A little something for you." He said softly placing it in your hands.

You looked at him in shocked when you saw the newest copy of the next book in the ice planet barbarians series.

"Are you for serious baby? You got it for me?" You asked him excitedly.

"Of course i did, I knew how much you were excited about it." He said smiling at you.

"I love it and I love you, thank you." You said leaning up and pressing a kiss on his lips.

The next day you were finally able to start it on your lunch break and smiled when you saw the sticky note that Lewis that read "i love your kind heart". You quickly took a picture of it and sent it to him while thanking him. Each day as you read a chapter you were surprised with a sticky note at the beginning of each chapter that read different things that Lewis loved about you.

It was the weekend and you were still reading your book curled up on the couch with Lewis sitting beside you watching tv. Lewis was nervous he had checked that you were almost done with your book so before joining you on the couch, he grabbed the ring shoving it in his pockets and he had been nervous ever since.

"How's your book going sweetheart?" He asked you.

"Good Kiera and Ashkeo are finally back home and they are moving in to a new cave with some of the other couples." You said he ran a hand through your hair.

"I kinda of read a few pages and Kiera and Asheko remind me of us. Don't you think?" He asked you.

"I really do." You said looking up at him with a smile.

You went back to finishing your book and were happy with the ending and as you turned the last page you were met with a different colored sticky note that read "will you marry me?"

"Lewis...?" You asked looking at him only for him to swiftly moved off the couch and on to one knee.

"Y/n my fiery little bookworm. My moon, my stars since the moment I met you I knew that I didn't want to experience life without you, and these past 2 years have been so wonderful. So y/n will you do be the absolute honor of becoming my wife?" He asked you as the tears ran down your face.

"Ye...yes! Yes Lewis I will." You said as he slide the ring on your ring before standing up and kissing you.

"You don't know how worried I've been since I gave you that Book?" He said making you laugh.

"If it counts for anything, I could hardly tell. I loved the sticky notes and proposal." You said smiling at him.

"Really? I may have saw one of your reposts on TikTok where you said you would kill me if I cut a hole in any of your books to put the ring in." He said making you laugh. 

"I really did. And you should do the sticky note thing more often, they were nice to read especially if I was struggling to read or having a bad day while reading." You said to him. 

"I'll keep that in mind. I love you Ms. Hamilton." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 

"I love you Mr. Hamilton." You said smiling at him. 

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