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Stone had so many thoughts running around his skull, as he made his way through the maze of hallways in Sci's lab.

Break's plan of trying to pass Solace off as an adult poof baby did have a lot of holes within it, but at the same time, it could work...

Solace talked like a toddler, and they even ate like one, their body found it easier to absorb what it needed from simple foods, fruit purees, and Dino nuggets.

Their Magic even felt like a toddler's Magic, so it wouldn't be that hard to pass them off as a poof baby, if it wasn't for the fact that they had appeared in an Adult's body...

But then again, considering how the shift in power had destabilised a lot of things in their Multiverse, Break could be right in saying that they could pass off the adult body as a side effect of the unstable Multiverse being unable to delay the growth of their body, while it waited for a safe, and stable enough, point in time to do the poof part of creating a poof baby...

If they could get Sci on their side, then it would be easier for them to pass Solace off as an adult poof baby, but that wasn't what worried Stone the most...

What worried him the most would be the Council's reaction to learning about Solace's existence...

They would be so, so, so treasured by all of them, even the fight hungry members of the Council, due to being the first ever 'child' born during their rule.

They wouldn't even care that Solace wasn't a normal poof baby, because of what their appearance would mean to them...

They would be the first sign that the Multiverse was finally stabilizing itself after they had risen to power...

Heck, Solace's 'birth' could even be the spark for a new war since the entire Council would fight each other for the right to raise them, treating them like they were a piece of property to be won.

Stone would much rather prefer to raise Solace in secret, and release them into the Multiverse when they were old enough to make their own choices, but the Little Petal needed medical care, and tools, that one could only get through the Council. The Neutrals just didn't have what they would need, to help the Little Petal live a normal life.

And that meant that the Council would have to learn about Solace's existence, so that the Little Petal could get the help that they needed.

Stone prayed that one of the more reasonable members of the Council were visiting Sci right now. They wouldn't say anything about Solace's existence, unless they didn't have a choice, and they would be happy to leave the Little Petal alone...

But if it was one of the more unreasonable members of the Council, then he was turning around, and going back home. He could come back another day to talk with Sci about the moved appointment.

He knew that the more violent members of the Council wouldn't hesitate in turning Solace into a weapon, or a bargaining chip, to get what they wanted.

He took a deep breath as he opened the door to Sci's office.


Red was softly chatting to Sci when he heard the door open, he looked over to it, to tell whoever was coming in to get out since he was here first, only to stop when he saw that it was Stone.

Red didn't tell the other members of the Council that he had a soft spot for the physical therapist that showed a few signs of being from a Lust based AU.

Red had been one of the few Council members that had been against burning Lusttale, and other Lust based AUs, to the ground. It wasn't their fault that the Sanses of that AU were who they were, and they didn't have the right to judge them for something that they didn't like, or understand.

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