Chapter 2

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Time is my enemy. Who's to say I haven't been staring at myself in the mirror for hours? Maybe it's been two minutes maybe it's been twenty. I can't express how much stress I'm under right now. How much it's tearing me apart as a person. I know that know one else is like me. No one knows just how weird it is being able to decide everything yourself. Even move around just because you want. It's more complex than simple to me, and it kills me that no one will ever understand how it is being me. I just wish I was normal, so I could live a normal life and stop worrying about the stupidest things. I hear a noise at my front door. It's someone knocking.

"Be right there!" I yell as I walk out of the bathroom towards the door. I open it and there's Nikki standing there.

Her expression changed from her normal happy one to a worried and surprised one. "Lucas, what happen to you? You look like you died and came back to life, no offense."

"How did you-" I think for a moment. No, no she always say stuff like this time isn't any different. "Just come inside," I say as lead her inside. She shuts the door behind her and I sit on the couch.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I shaked my head. "No, I have a big problem right now."

"Are you losing money, or is that you still can't find the right job-"

I grabbed her arm and pointed to my head. "Nikki, I am losing my mind," I let go of her arm and stopped pointing to my head.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Okay, but I have a question for you," I asked realizing I was starting to sweat a lot.

"Go ahead," she looked serious.

I adjusted in my seat on the couch a bit and tried to keep calm as possible.

"Do you ever feel like you don't know if your real, or not? Like you'll have a dream and it's so real that there's no way it was a dream. But there's this reality right now it feels real too right? Then suddenly it crashes and both this reality and dream reality feels fake?" I tried my best to explain to her.

"Lucas, you know we've already talked about-"

"I died and I felt more real than I could ever explain!" I raised my voice. "You died, you were in the car with me and we were going out to eat. I was driving in my car on the high way when we heard screaming and saw smoke all around us. Suddenly there was explosion, after explosion, after explosion-"

"Lucas, it was just a dream, I know you think it was real, but you know to understand-"

"No, please listen to me okay? The explosions got louder and louder. Meaning they were coming our way. We both tried to unbuckle our seatbelt, but they were stuck. After trying with my keys and shear force nothing worked, then boom! The car in front of us explodes, and in mere moments we're next. You're crying and I'm in shock. The car caught on fire and the fire hit you first. I felt the heat on my skin, and I saw you screaming at the top of your lungs violently moving all around, then silence and you died. I smelled your burning flesh, I felt the heat of the fire, I heard the screams, I saw the smoke, I even tasted the smoke, the death, everything. The fire came to me next, I felt my clothes burning and my flesh melting, then the car exploded and I felt myself being ripped apart and with that I woke up with my arm being as hot as fire," I touched it and it still was. There even was a little red mark. "See!" I drew her attention to my arm.

"What the hell," he words trailed as she touched my arm and pulled back immediately. "Are you serious about all this?"

"I'm dead serious, I mean why the fuck would I make this all up?" I said to her.

"Yeah that wouldn't be like you to make stuff like that up. Didn't the doctors just dismiss it as a medical condition when you were a kid?"

"They did, but that was so real that I can't believe that this, or anything else is real anymore," I put my hands on my face. "I'm not crazy," I said with a slight mumble from my hands blocking my mouth.

"Shhh, I know you're not it will be okay, I promise," she took a hold of my hands and lifted them off my face. My whole world came to a horrific shock.

"What the hell," I whispered as I saw a burnt up face version of my best friend staring at me. I closed my eyes. "No, no, no, no."

"Lucas! Lucas!" I heard a familiar voice call out. "Wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw Nikki. She was perfectly normal now. Just as she did moments before I put my hands on my face and closed my eyes. "What happened?" I asked her confused.

"I really don't know, but you feel asleep and you were mumbling all these random things. I'm worried for you, Lucas let me take you to the doctor," she started to rub my back a little, and that made me feel a bit better.

"Alright, I give up just make a appointment. I don't think can take this anymore, I need real help."

She smiled at my as she patted my back and got up. "I just hate worrying about you all the time. I'm going to call right now okay?"

I nodded and she left the living room and went into the kitchen to make the call.

"There has to be some other explanation besides me being crazy," I sighed out loud. "What if I am crazy like the doctors always told me I was as a kid. No, I am as sane as anyone else, then why can't I believe anything anymore?" I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "Stop being so weak," I said to myself as I wiped the year away.

Maybe the reality to my situation is my whole life is a dream. The dreams I have are dreams inside dreams. A whole network of endless possibilities for it seems only me to think about on a daily basis. It could be a test to see how I function in highly realistic situations meaning my whole life itself..

Crazy, I know XD I bet you think "oh it's going too fast this is only the 2nd chapter." Well you'll see why it's that way in the future of the book so hold your horses XD kind of the whole point of the book to go fast pace. Well till next time byyeee

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