"Why didn't.you tell me earlier?", I snap at her stupidity." I would have if you weren't drunk.",she says softly.

"And did you tell him you are a Balthazar?Or did your mother-in-law said she is a Stewardson.", Rue questions Sadah and me." What!", I said in disbelife turning to her.Her face pales."I didn't thought it mattered.Why does it matter?",she asks frowning.

"Why does it matter!It could ruin my entire plan!You are a fucking Balthazar!Are you kidding me!Why didn't you ever told me!You said you were a Mossasuri!", I accuse her.My blood boiling in rage.

" It is my dad's name.I don't use my surname as my own name.",Sadah says to me."Well,you can fuck it if you don't use it but it fucking matters to me!

You have bloody Balthazar's blood running in your veins if you don't use your surname or not!",I yell at her and quickly grab my phone.

"Cut all the wifi connection and network connection off my house.Make sure no phone is passed from inside or outside my house.", I cut the call with Trevour.

" You didn't call your uncles did you?",I ask Sadah harshly.She looks at me with hurt flashing in her eyes."No,Aaron.I did not.",she sighs."Why are you sighing?",I ask her dramatic behaviours.

"Aaron.", Tristan nudges me." No,she is acting like she is the one in trouble when I am the one getting in trouble because of her!",I snap, my head running with million thoughts.

"I am sorry for sighing.I am sorry for being born in the two families you seem to despise.

They already hate me enough,I don't need you yelling at me for that,too.", Sadah says and stands up.

" Where are you going?",I frown as she opens the door."School.It's 8 in the morning.

You have everyone here.I don't think you need me.

And don't worry Victor won't kill me.",she closes the door behind herself and I slump on the bed.Great,I fucked up.

God,the russians are out there and I didn't even stop her.Great!Just great!Blaze hits the back of my head."Idiot.",he utters.

"You think,I don't know that!Now, get out and do your fucking jobs!", I snap.
All three of them rolls her eyes. " You are an ass.",Rue hits my head."You are an asshole.",Tristan smacks the back of my head leaving out.

"You are full of shit.",Blaze hits the back fo my head.I glare at them. " You are my bestfriends!",I snap."We are her brothers by law then.",Blaze shrugs giving me the finger.

I scoff and lean on the pillows.I really fucked up.Balthazars were once the most powerful politicians of Texas.They ruled Texas till Mossasuri Balthazar was alive,yes,her father.But that quickly faded when he died and all of her uncles turned more savage than ever.They became scavangers sucking other politician,busniessmen and attacked them with their men just to earn more power.

And now within years everything into a disaster, people would say their family is cursed as all the brothers died tragically with genetic disease like diabetics,stroke or heart diseases.

And Stewardsons....they were not affulent busniessmen but they worked their way to fame.The five brothers of Stewardsons are famous,successful and selfish ready to suck anyone and everyone who is ready to make them more powerful.

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