But this was not my focus. My focus was to research everything about this company, or whatever I could find. It was a very quiet company at least about the owners , there was a lot of talk about how amazing they were. I can only see ads and magazines covers not really any photos of the owners, which I found pretty odd. But it's not that I was intentionally looking to see who is behind my phone call. I was just being curious...of course. This was a big company, making millions every year. It's good to see who I'm working with.

The brand was extremely popular. I don't know why I didn't jog my memory at first when I saw the name on the paper, Miss Griever gave to me.
I believe I own some of the necklaces they sell, of course the cheaper ones.

You see I get good money,but I ain't rich. This job would probably put me out on the market , the amount of revenue I'll be getting from new  companies and deals would be way out of my usual ballpark. I hate to admit it, but this is kind of the best opportunity I ever had, so I couldn't treat this like any other job. Not like I had a choice.

It was Wednesday and we had another scheduled call and i braced myself this time for that mans Voice. We got past our greetings, and I began to ask my questions.

" so tell me about your family and how they came to create this company, what was the reason?"

" starting off of the deep stuff, huh?" he chuckled an it sent shivers down my spine even through the phone. I'm helpless. His laugh was sexy . And charming. He continued " well my mother and father they were in love, ...surprisingly, and my father had a knack for designing, he didn't have much at the time but he found a way to make my mother a ring. Out of a glass bottle. He carved it and everything, he proposed to her with it and .. it was beautiful."

Wow, that's not what I was expecting. I wish someone would design a whole entire ring for me but first I gotta get a man who would've want to even marry me, or...even date me .

" So father was a sweetheart, and cared for the little things." I said, as I wrote down on my iPad.

" yes exactly, my mother then told him to continue with his gift, and soon he found a way to make a fortune out of it. He started design rings for famous people and then soon he was able to start producing rings of his own. The company has grown to what it is now." 

" and what about you Why did you take on his business?" That felt like a personal question to ask, but I couldn't help myself from being curious.

" to be honest this is what I've worked for all my life to walk in his footsteps, I have always found his creations Amazing, though I can never draw, running this company is my way of doing that, being in his footsteps.. that is"

" that's very sweet, father like son i guess" I didn't know what else to say so I left at that. I found it nice how he wanted to follow his father. Even though he couldn't draw and do it in the same way, he still wanted to be a part of it. It was sweet.

" I hope not" he laughed, witch felt like he was hiding something ." Anyways , when he retired, it was my opportunity to start this path"

" When you think of diamonds and jewelry, what  do you aim to show in this company?"

" Well, in the sense of the company, we aim to show connection and love, our motto is "the shapes of your heart" I don't really have much to say for my behalf, though, how about you?"

I hesitated before answering " well for me I believe a jewelry is figment of love. At least the rings are, they show not only commitment, but the weight of love between each partner"

" I agree. A ring can hold so much more weight in a relationship, no matter the size of the rock" those words made wedding bells ring within my head. This man was ... perfect. I couldn't help but smile. "I need to  know more about you, because you will be leading this rebranding alongside with me" his stern tone brought back my attention.

" well, what do you want to know?"

" just a summary on your story, and how you started designing and art directing I truly need to know more on who is leading my rebranding?"

" that's understandable, sigh* so for me I grew up in a very artistic home . My parents careers were really a big influence on me , my father is an architect and my mother is a sculptor/painter. I feel like I have a combination of both skills. Growing up I drew a lot , like every day, some would say I drew to much"

He laughed . And it did so much to me I couldn't understand it. It started to feel like torture now not knowing who he was.

" whats so funny " I asked , playfully.

" oh its nothing , i just new someone like you , before that's all. You just reminded me of her, you can continue"

Who was she , i bet she can't draw better than me .  How does he know her . Wait. What am i saying , i literally have zero claim over Mr. G. And I doubt he's the dating type anyways , because of his.....anonymous request. But what he said about the rings , maybe I could be wrong. Or maybe I'm just delusional.

I went on to explain how I started my career and the projects I've done . To my surprise he was very engaged , asking me questions about my work. We kind of got side tracked too. I felt like I could talk to him for hours.

" I kinda never had a hobby , it was just school and work , and sports , I know sports is sorta a hobby but it felt more like a chore at times"  I understand what he meant, sometimes doing art was a bit like a chore , but for me it was more like a rut and it got stressful knowing I had nothing else to offer . But Art was my life. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

" but did you love it ? " I asked.

" of course I loved playing football but the stress that crept in with it just made it less enjoyable as the years went on "

" It kinda took away that spark" I said softy.

" yes exactly,.. this business was my next obsession, and I fell in love with it too , everything thing about this business fascinates me , and yes it gets stressful at times but it's good stress"

" I feel you on that , being a freelance artist has me with my foot in many different genres of art , juggling it all can become stressful, but I wouldn't trade this life for anything."

" what your favorite genre?"

" the fine arts , I love painting , it's mainly what I do on my free time when I'm not swamped with clients," I laughed " I'm actually working on a gallery, and when I tell you I'm so excited , I can't express it in any more words , I've been working on it for so long. I'm smiling just by thinking of it.". This gallery is something I been looking forward to , and it's mine all mine ,I'm not renting at all I own the building. This, was a big step forward for me.

" I wish I could see that " I was unsure of what to make of what he said , what did he mean?

" my gallery or ...my smile" the answer juggled in my head before he spoke.

"... Both? " he said hesitantly as if he'd regret it. The thought of him and who he was, traveled through my mind, he probably meant it in a friendly way. And I could be over thinking and jumping the broom too soon in my head. But maybe he didn't.

But it made me think why did he want to stay unknown, him saying that he wanted to " see me" or my smile , kinda defeats the whole point of us only doing phone calls.

" why do you only want—"

" I'm sorry, I have to go my assistant just told me of important issues I have to deal with. Talk to you soon" and with that he ended the phone before I could even finsh my sentence .

That was weird. Maybe he was trying to avoid actually explaining this situation. Or perhaps he has some real insecurities going or he just doesn't want to get to personal. I probably should not ask again, I really don't want to intrude on his personal life.

Thank you for reading

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