Hawkfrost - The Gathering

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"Hi Hawkfrost!" said my sister Mothwing, "Did you know they are ending classes early so we can go to the gathering tonight?"

"Yeah" I replied, "Its the first gathering this year so we're going to have to listen to the leaders go over all the rules."

"I heard Tigerstar wants to be leader of Shadowclan"

"What?!, He's a Thunderclan teacher!"

"Yeah but he and Bluestar had some sort of arguement and everyone knows that Thunderstar is obviously going to pick Bluestar to become leader once he retires"

"I diddn't know that"

"Everyone in Thunderclan, Hollyleaf told Willowshine and Willowshine told me"

"Well he might be a good leader for Shadowclan but we're in Riverclan, doesn't affect us"

"Hawkfrost! Riverstar is planning to retire soon and Leopardstar is no doubt going to succeed him"

"Okay, Leopardstar seems to like me"

"Don't you understand! Tigerstar and Leopardstar have always been friendly towards eachother, what if Tigerstar wants controll over Riverclan."

"How do you know all this?" I asked in amazment.

"Oh, everyone in Thunderclan does nothing but chat about it all day long" she told me. 

"They should mind their own buisness" I grumbled.

Ring! Ring!

"Okay, bye!"  she called heading off to her class, "See you at the gathering!"

~At night~

"Okay everyone settle down!" said Riverstar, "I think everyone is here, if someone got left behind they will have to catch up, line up everyone!"

 Everyone filed into a straight line, or at least what can pass for a straight line. "This line is crooked" sighed Riverstar, "We don't want to arrive in a crooked line, all right I suppose this will do, lets go."

"Isn't this exciting?" said Mothwing enthusiastically.

"You mean hours of listening to the leaders go over rules, yeah that totally sounds exciting." 

"That bit is boring, but the rest of it is fun"

"All right, quiet please" scolded Riverstar as the great hall came into sight, "Now once we enter the hall take a seat, you may talk with the other students but once the leaders start the gathering you must sit respectfully"

We all filed into the hall and sat down, the other clans were already there, Riverstar went to join Thunderstar, Shadowstar, and Windstar who were gathered on a simple dias around 20 inches higher than the ground. I took a seat near the front with Mothwing.

"Attention please!" 

The chatter died away and everyone turned their attention to the leaders.

"Since this is the first gathering of the year we think a we should give a short revision. Windstar will talk to you about forbidden relationships" announced Thunderstar.

"Thank you Thunderstar, although this rule has been broken many times, it is still important. You may not date people from the other clans. Lots of our former students have decided to toss this rule out the window. I think you know some rumors have been flying around, if you have any imformation about any cross clan relationships please report it to one of the leaders."

"What rumors?" I whispered to Mothwing.

"We have a lot of forbidden relationships going on, haven't you noticed?"

"No?!, like who?"

"Lionblaze and Heathertail, "

"I thought Lionblaze was with Cinderheart!"

"Doveing and Tigerheart, "

"Isn't Dovewing dating Bumblestripe?"

"and Graystripe and Silverstream"

"Okay I thought Graystripe was with Millie!"

"Well that's quite accurate too"

"Now Moth Flight will tell you all about medic relations" finished Windstar.

"Are you joking?" I asked.

"I'm serious!" she said.

On the dias Moth Flight was going on and on about how medics had to put their clan first.

"Thank you" said Thunderstar cutting off Moth Flight's boring lecture, "Just a quick reminder that no one is allowed out of their dorms after 8:00pm with the exeption of gatherings"

"And no clubs without approval from one of the leaders" said Shadowstar, "ahem Mapleshade"

"What me?" said Mapleshade a bit too innocently, "What did I do?"

"Shadowstar caught her telling Redwillow about some battle training thing" whispered Mothwing.

"Please note that we will have some apprentices coming halfway through the year so some of you will become mentors" said Riverstar, "There always some people who forget about the event"

"And that concludes tonight's gathering!" said Thunderstar, "Dissmissed!"

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