Blossomfall - The Weapon

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"Out of the way!" Breezepelt shoved past me heading towards the commotion.

"What's going on?" I asked, he was part of the Dark Forest as well so he should recognise me from training sessions.

"Tigerstar's ending this training session early, wanted to show us all something."

Curious, I craned for a good view of what he was holding.

"Behold!" he was saying, "Venom darts!"

He held out a jar of little black darts to the crowd.

"These darts are extremely hard to make and I'm afraid we can't make any more. But these should be enough for what we're planning."

"What are they planning?" I heard someone whisper.

I had that question many times too but I knew better than to question them, I wanted to leave their little club, but too late now, I can't leave unless one of the leaders agree. And none of ever will.

"These darts can kill, but very painfully, we have three types, one for physical pain, one for mental pain, one to kill and finish you off. We have to make sure we shoot these in the right order though or we might kill someone before they experience the pain."

"I think we can spare a few of these for any recruits who want to leave." interjected Mapleshade.

Tigerstar smiled, "Well that is it, you're dismissed. Go sleep."

"But it's early." protested Hollowflight.

"You need your rest, go."

I ducked into the tunnel, after everyone had left I waited for the leaders.

"Make sure you don't drop any."

"I won't."

"So when should we attack?"

"As soon as the bombs arrive, I don't want to use these darts yet."

"We need someone to plant these darts though."

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

Mapleshade came out of the tunnel, "Blossomfall!" she narrowed her eyes, "Were you spying?"

"No." I said trying to make my expression defiant.

"Really?" said Mapleshade, "Well since you're still loyal I've got a job for you."


"I need you to strike one person of your choice with these darts, first this one, then this one, finally this one. Use this." she handed me something that looked like a blowgun. "Oh, and it can't be some random person, you have to know them. Understood?"

I know this is a test, Mapleshade wants me to say no. She wants me to refuse.

"I'll do it."

"What?" she asked, taken aback.

"I'll do it." I repeated.

"All right, we better have a death in two days. If you don't manage to do it, you'll be punished with these darts." said Mapleshade, "Good luck!!! And if you tell the teachers, well, then we'll just have to attack a little early won't we?"

I nodded silently.

"All right." said Mapleshade, "Go to sleep."

"Are you okay?" asked Briarlight at breakfast.

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"I'm fine! Go away!"

Briarlight frowned at me, "All right, I'll stop nagging you. Let's go to Geography."

I spent the rest of the day think of a way to not kill someone and still survive. But Mapleshade was going to kill someone anyways so what's the point.

As I lay in bed an idea came to me.

The next day I was much more cheerful, I had a good plan, I just needed to figure out what to do about my task.

That night I waited until I made sure Briarlight was asleep, I slipped a white box onto her desk and climbed into my bed. I unscrewed the jar and tipped out all 3 darts.

I remembered the order Mapleshade mentioned, loaded the blowgun.

I shot myself with it. Three times.

Physical pain.

Mental pain.


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