Her grave was all the way in Stohess too and you promised to go back only when you really had to. Alone it was difficult. Being with Eren last time you went made it bearable.

"Ugh!" you ran your hands through your hair. Stop thinking about him, you idiot.

Your eyes flicked out the window when you noticed the train was coming to another stop. Trost City Train Station—University Junction.

You skimmed over the sign, recognizing it as your stop as you gathered your belongings. Carrying your bag felt like a hassle when you were this exhausted, dreading the sleepless night you were bound to have already.

You stepped onto the platform, seeing that only four other passengers were getting off as well. Seeing that it was close to the witching hour, you didn't even think twice about it.

"Y/n!" the couple's voice muddled into one.

Your head followed to where they were but far too slowly. Pieck and Porco were rushing over, their eyes widened and mouths agape in breathlessness. They met your dreary gaze and gawked at you like they'd been searching for eons.

Pieck didn't even hesitate before she grabbed your shoulders, assessing every indent in your face and gasping at the shallow gash under your eye.

"What happened?" she breathed, pupils dilating while she cupped your cheek.

It felt like a mother's touch. And in that moment you wanted no less than to bawl your eyes out. Pieck always felt like a sister to you—so why were you so suddenly so aware you'd been depraved of a mother right then and there.

"I'll explain when we're back," you kept your tires eyes lidded, pulling her hands away from your face because you knew you'd start sobbing like a wreck if they stayed there.

Pieck instead threw an arm around you and Porco reached to take your luggage. On normal circumstances you'd argue to carry it yourself, but you could hardly find your voice or any care.

"Come on," Porco insisted, leading the way and glancing back at you. "You look like you're freezing."

He was quick to guide you and Pieck off the platform and towards the parking lot. All that would cling to you was the bitter reminder that this train Eren had constantly been fantasizing to board with you, you had disembarked alone.

You got in the backseat. Pieck slipping into the passenger seat while Porco sat in the driver's side after securing your luggage in the trunk.

He began driving away from the station, heading towards your shared place with his girlfriend. Quietly, you gazed out the window. Since it began snowing hours ago, the white had frosted over the ground almost an inch, still flurrying like there was nothing else for the sky to bring down.

Pieck began hesitantly after a couple minutes of silence, "Where's Eren?"

"I don't know," you croaked pathetically, still watching the snow waltz towards the ground.

"What do you mean?" Porco asked, his eyes flicking towards you in the rearview mirror. "Weren't you supposed to come back with him?"

When you didn't reply, they shared a concerned look. Your eyes swooped back over to the snow, like soft comets hurdling towards earth. If you focused enough, it appeared like those same stars you would spill your deepest secrets to were shooting down from the sky, discrediting every little thing you once believed to be true.

When the car came to a halt before your apartment building, you didn't even move. Pieck was the one to come swing open your door and help your shivering frame pile out.

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