scouts arena

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"I'm so excited," Sasha cheesed, a jitter in her motions.

You all entered the laser tag lobby area. The bright red and yellow lights of the entire arcade seemed distant once you stepped into that dark room.

Once all twelve of you were inside, the door shut behind you and a voice announced, "Alright! You must be the 6:30 party of twelve! How is everybody doing tonight?"

"Good," you all said in unison.

"Awesome," he was standing next to a screen now. "Okay, so do you guys want to do everyone for themselves or teams?"

You all looked around and whispered, asking the other. Then, you all chimed after the census, "Teams."

"Okay, on the wall on your right-hand side, there are red vests. On the wall on your left, there are blue," the employee instructed. "You can pick which ever and then click your gun trigger to activate the vest."

"Boys versus girls first round?" Reiner suggested.

"Ooh, yes," Ymir mischievously agreed.

The girls went for the red vests on the right wall while the boys went for the blue. As you all were getting into them, you activated your vest per the instructions just given. You were ready to annihilate the guys, you didn't mean to brag but you were pretty good at laser tag.

"Okay, girls team, I'm going take you to your starting point and explain the rules," the worker said. "Follow me."

"Good luck, ladies," Reiner taunted.

"You're the ones who're gonna need luck," Sasha pointed at them menacingly.

With that, you all headed to the red team starting point. The arcade worker explained, "It's pretty simple, you shoot the opposing teams on their vests. You won't get points unless it's on the glowing portion of their vest. So that means the chest, back, and shoulder blades. You have to keep both hands on your gun, one on the trigger and the other on the buttons on the barrel, if you don't press those buttons, your gun won't work."

He continued, "If you get shot by the other team, you'll be deactivated for five seconds before you recharge. If you get hit a few times, you won't reactivate until you go to your team base and stand in front of the red light. And most importantly, no running. Any questions?"

"Yeah," Sasha raised her hand. "Can we name our team 'Hot Sushi Bitches'?"

"Yes," the employee said flatly. "Anything else? No? Okay. I've got to get to the boys now."

He walked out, you all waited a few minutes before you heard the music turn down and a voice on the speaker, "Welcome to Scouts Laser Arena. Let the game commence in three, two, one!"

The music cranked back up and your team—hot sushi bitches—dispersed within the double story maze. You didn't even get to strategize with the girls because of how excited you all were.

You made your way up to the second landing to scope out the opponents. You overlooked the first floor, positioning yourself at the railing to catch the men off guard.

A golden opportunity came your way when an unsuspecting Connie came into view. He had a stupid smile on his face and you almost felt bad because of how dumb he looked when you aimed for his shoulder blades. His vest deactivated and when he spawned back, you just kept shooting him down.

He kept looking around to see who shot him but it seemed he couldn't go far because he needed to head back to the blue base to regenerate.

Poor guy.

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