Chapter 15

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"We have a little bit of a conflict." Sadie informed them. She sat at the head of the big table in the middle of the secret basement floor. She clicked a few buttons and a hologram model of the map to San Francisco to Bangkok popped up.

Sadie, Catherine, Walker, and Andrew, he's the earth trainer, were all here. Her friends, except Addie and Brandon, were also here. To discuss something important regarding the elements.

"Cam called me last night and said he wanted to talk about something important and so we talked on the phone for a while and his idea is right." Sadie said.

"What's Cammy's idea?" Asher asked, tracing the path on the model.

"He realized that if we travel to the podium over your element, or by your element, then we'll be more recharged for the connection." Sadie told them. "He's right. It shows that when you're around your element for a long time, you feel more connected and recharged."

"Wait-my element is fire. Does that mean I have to light fires all the time?" Asher asked.

Walker shook his head. "Good question. But for you we'll just be mainly traveling on ground. You and Carole over ground, Stacey over water, and Cam is going to take a plane."

Wait, Stacey thought, are we going alone? Her breathing quickened a little and she ran a hand delicately through her hair. Her eyes drifted open and closed.

She felt a hand squeeze hers tightly under the table. Looking to her left, it was Asher. His face seemed to ask if she was okay. She nodded, tightening her grip on his hand.

"Are we going alone–like solo?" Asher asked, basically reading Stacey's mind.

Andrew heaved a little at the idea. "Gods no. It would be tragic! You guys will be traveling to each podium together, but the person who represents the podium has to hold the weight of their element solo."

"Good," Asher grinned. "Couldn't leave Stace alone." Stacey felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders.

She looked beside her at Asher and when he smiled back at her and tousled his hair, she knew she would give anything to be with him. She had to tell him that she was crushing on him.

Stacey could've sworn when Asher said that Catherine and Walker shared a smile. It's like they were trying to embarrass her.

"So how does this even work?" Carole finally spoke up. "How do we even make the connection?"

Catherine smiled. "Andrew, you wanna take this one?" He grinned.

"Of course. So basically, you have to hold the weight of your element," Andrew said, registering the very confused looks on their faces. "Stacey, you'd have to hold the weight of the water on earth. It won't literally float above you, but your body will feel the weight of it above you."

Stacey sucked in a breath and slammed her head into the table. "You good?" Asher asked, cracking up just like everyone else.

She blushed, trying to pick up her head. She rubbed her temples. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

Andrew continued, recovering from laughing. "Carole has to hold the weight of the land on earth, and Cam has to hold the weight of the sky or air, I guess. And Asher you have to hold the weight of the atmospheric heat. So, you know how it can feel like you way a ton more when it's hot? That's the moisture, so all of that and other fires going on. Also, the weight of ashes."

They all nodded, pretty understandably. Stacey did too. Even though she could imagine how heavy the weight of the water was, and even thinking about it made her not be able to feel her feet.

Asher was the one who looked stunned. "So let me get this straight. We all have to hold horrible heavy amounts of weight, but Cam only has to hold the weight of nothing?"

Walker laughed. "That's what I asked when I first found out we had to do this at your age!"

But Sadie shook her head. "Nope. Air has more weight than you would think, if we put all of it together. Plus don't forget the pollutants that have become a part of the sky."

All the trainers stood up. "Well, I guess we're done for today. You guys are doing so great, keep it up." Catherine said.

All of Stacey and her friends also fumbled to stand up. Stacey wondered if they were supposed to curtsy or bow or something.

"We need to get Addie and Brandon and see the volleyball tryout results." Cam suddenly blurted, turning all the attention to him.

He turned a little pink. "Sorry, that was random. I just remembered that Carole told me last night that tryout results would be posted at the school at 5, and it's 4:40 right now."

Stacey shot Carole a knowing glance and Carole scowled at her and mouthed 'Oh, shut up'

"Yeah," Carole coughed, clearly trying to change the subject. "Let's, um, get going."


Stacey fumbled to open the door of the passenger's side, stumbling out, her nerves tensing. It's just a volleyball team, she told herself, It's okay if I don't get in.

"I will sue the school if they don't put you on the team. You did so well, if they don't put you on, they're the ones losing." Asher said, sneaking up beside her.

Stacey jumped. "Thanks Asher, but if they don't then I didn't do well. And try not to sue the school."

He shook his head. "Nope, I will sue if they don't."

She scoffed. "You're ridiculous."

Asher smirked. "I try to be."

A little far off, there was a piece of paper posted on the door. Stacey ran over, Asher following. She read some of the names.

Katie Thomas

Carole Singh

Claire Levine

Selma Crockarell

Addison Keys

Stacey Alexander

Wait-that's her name. She shrieked. Asher went wide eyed. "What did they not put you-"

She cut him off by kissing his cheek. Stacey had never seen Asher turn so red. She hugged him tight, too excited to feel embarrassed at her impulsive self for doing that.

He coughed. "Air-Cam, can you give me some air-" He blushed when Stacey pulled away.

"I made it!" She told him, trying to cover up her blushing with her hair. He smiled, satisfied with himself.

"Good. The school should be happy I don't have to sue them." Asher said, walking back to the car with Stacey.

She rolled her eyes. "You're so ridiculous."

He smirked, opening her car door, going to his. "Too ridiculous for you to kiss?"

Stacey's cheeks flushed. She was hoping he would have forgotten or not mentioned it. "So, I think we should all go to dinner to celebrate!" Addie said, thankfully changing the subject.

Stacey looked back, and Carole had a smug grin. It was her turn to shut up this time.

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