Chapter 1

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-Stacey Wooder was just a normal girl in a normal town... or at least she thought so...


"Ms. Wooder!!" Stacey snapped up, responding with 

"Huh??.."Lots of judgy laughs came flying at her with sharp edges. 

"Ms. Wooder, please see me after class."

Stacey's teacher kept glaring at her the whole entire class period. Stacey wasn't surprised she fell asleep in class again; she had never been good at science anyway. 

8th period dragged on as if it was 2:00 pm for HOURS! Finally, when the bell rang Stacey tried to blend in with everybody and sneak away, but her teacher called her over.

Stacey thought her teacher had eyes in the back of her head, cause she saw everything and I mean EVERYTHING.Her teacher took her glittery cat-eye glasses off and gently set them on her desk. She pinched the bridge of her nose and shut her eyes.

"Ms. Wooder, Is there something you'd like to tell me?" Silence followed. Stacey wanted to shout at her I DON'T WANT YOU TO CALL ME BY MY LAST NAME!! But she bit her lip and resisted. 

"I suppose you may not want to tell me, but don't forget if you get below a B this term, you'll have to quit the volleyball team." 

Stacey looked down at the marble floor. "I know." Stacey's voice was barely a whisper, but it was like she'd been punched in the gut. Volleyball was one of her biggest passions, and she just couldn't give it up. 

Her teacher sighed, "I just want to see you try harder next time, please get on your way Ms. Wooder."


She opened up her locker and grabbed her volleyball cleats and equipment bag and ran to the gym where she and her team had practice for a game later in the week. 

"Hey guys, you ready for the game this weekend?!" She hollered with her eyes so happily squinted they were shut. But when she pried them open , no one was there except the janitor, who was STILL mopping. 

She dug her phone out of her bag and scrolled through her texts to see that practice was canceled. Her bus had already left so she only had one option left. Walking.


Stacey practically jabbed the key into the knob and flung her shoes and her backpack away and flopped onto the couch.

She stared up at the ceiling, blowing strands of her dirty blonde hair out of her face. Sometimes, she wished she had 4 hands to do everything...but she didn't so this is where she was at. 

Stacey heard the door knob rattle, so she went to open it for her mom. But it wasn't her mom. It was.. a boy that she had never seen before. It startled her so much she made a noise that sounded like a startled chipmunk squeaking and fell on her back. 

But when she'd gotten up and had finished basically prying her eyes open by rubbing them, nobody was there. 

"What-no, who-was that..??" She wondered. She also saw a note left where the person had stood and she picked it up. 

It read, "Pack your things."  That was it, nothing more, no name, no greeting, just that. Stacey didn't realize she was trembling until she tried sitting down. 

Who could've sent her that note? And why? Stacey snatched her sketchbook and tried to remember how he looked.

Of course she didn't remember everything, but he had emerald glazed eyes, messy blonde hair, a sharp jawline, and chiseled features. He really was unrecognizable, she would have been able to remember if she met him, right? 

Stacey also realized he looked like he was her age, like 13 or 14 years old. Maybe he went to her school? Stacey's brain was worn out so she went up to her room and decided to sleep early, REALLY EARLY, not knowing her life was going to change forever.

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