Chapter 5

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"Hey. It's gonna go great." Dylan told Stacey, giving her a side-hug before slipping his key into the keyhole.

"Yeah, if only I had 11 years of experience living with them." she mumbled under her breath. And sadly it wasn't even sarcasm. She really did want 11 years of experience.

They both stepped inside and Dylan wriggled out of his puffy orange vest and hung it on one of the coat racks. Their mom was in the kitchen cleaning or something.

When they walked by the kitchen and were about to take the elevator to their rooms, they're mom called out to them.

"Hey kids!" She looked at Stacey. "Your dad's not home from work yet sorry honey. He'll be here in a couple of hours though."

Stacey smiled half-heartedly. She was sad she couldn't meet him now, but also relieved at the same time. She really didn't have any idea of how he would react to her.

Their mom got back to cutting a cucumber until she slapped her forehead, "Oh also, I almost forgot! Would either of you guys like something to eat? Snack or...?.."

Stacey shook her head shyly "Thank you so much. For everything. But I'm not too hungry right now. Thanks though! Can I help you with chores or anything?" she asked.

"No, not really honey! But I will tell you if I need help with something." She got back to cutting her cucumber when Dylan pulled Stacey into the elevator and it closed.

Dylan laughed softly. "Are you actually not hungry or are you scared to say yes?"

Stacey's jaw dropped before she scoffed and said "Of course not! I'm actually not hungry." It WAS the truth. Her lunch alone had enough food to last for days.

But that might've just been Stacey, because she barely eats. Not that her family- or her kidnappers didn't feed her much. They did. It's just her appetite.

Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Mk, sure." he switched subjects. "So I'm guessing your teacher didn't give you any grace even though it's your first day?"

Surprisingly no. "Actually, I got Ms. Destiny, so I have a week before homework rolls in."

He clapped his hands "Lucky you!" he stepped out of the elevator as it stopped at floor 3. Stacey stayed in until it hit floor 4.

She stepped out of the elevator and jogged over to her room.

"I keep on forgetting that it needs a keycard!" Stacey mumbled to herself, digging the smallest zip of her backpack for it. Once she gripped it, she held it up in the air triumphantly before slipping it into the slot and stepping in.

"Woah," Stacey breathed. The room was even more magnificent in the afternoon than the early morning.

The white bench rounding the bay windows was sunkissed and a comforting shade of yellow. The blue pillows were softened by the rays of sunlight reflecting off the windows and bench.

Then her eyes shifted to the mug that she had....dropped. But the water had floated. Well, gravity doesn't work that way.

Then what had happened?. . .

Stacey grabbed the same mug and filled it with water from the sink. She set it on her nightstand.

Shifting her index and middle finger back and forth upwards, she brought out the water in a watery, thick string.

"What the-" Stacey was so confused. Yes, this had happened in the morning but it wasn't natural!

She tried some more stuff. Stacey moved her hands in the air as if to shape an invisible ball of clay. The water followed her hand commands and shaped itself into a sphere.

"Woah." Stacey tilted her head to study the water from every angle. It was still floating. However, when she dropped her hands, so did the water, and she had no control over it.

Lifting it back up, Stacey tried to weave it. Braid it. When she was done it looked like a watery braid.

She couldn't tell anyone. In every movie with people who had powers, if the government ever found out, they would bring out their researchers to study her. And that followed with pain, and lots of stuff she did NOT want to endure.

"I wonder what I could do with a larger amount of water." Stacey wondered to herself. She grabbed a hoodie and her phone and ran down to the 1st floor, too ambitious to take the elevator.

"Hey mom, I'm running on the beach for a while." She called out to her mom who was scrolling on her phone.

"Okay honey. Just be home before dark." her mother called back.

Lucky for Stacey, her home was a beach side house so she could see the beach from her bedroom window and could jog to the beach in a minute or 2.

"Well, let's see what I can do." she whispered while sprinting to the shore on the sand. She kneeled by the ocean shore so the water was just grazing her knees and took a quick look around.

But it was pretty late so no one was around. It was still risky, but Stacey tried making waves far off to make it seem natural.

It worked every time and once she even made a little surfer dude but she quickly released it to its normal form.

"The only question now is how did I get control of water?" Stacey asked herself.

Maybe she was Poseidon's daughter? She quickly shoved that thought away and laughed.

Clearly she was reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians too much.

She ran back to the house, still full of questions.

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