Part 3

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Serenity's POV

A few weeks passed since Sir Pentious joined the hotel. The snake demon had been surprisingly helpful, and much to everyone's surprise, he spent time helping me with dinner and took an interest in learning how to cook. Even the Egg Bois surprisingly were very fond of me and would hang out in the kitchen with me. I remember when he told me he thought the others were planning on killing him because we were being nice to him. It even made Charlie want to start trust exercises with the group, and she even put Vaggie in charge of it. I didn't join as I was keeping an eye on my daughter while she was practicing her magic. I was so proud of my daughter and gave her encouragement in any way I could. I was watching Ophelia as she used her telekinesis to lift a boulder when Charlie came into my room. "Uggghhhhh," Charlie flopped onto my bed startling KeeKee. "Something wrong sweetie?" I ask as she turns her head to look at me. "I think I put too much pressure on Vaggie...she asked to be alone," Charlie sighed tears welling up in her eyes. "She asked what her purpose is if she can't help me?" I laid down next to her looking up at the ceiling. "You know I know a thing or two about what both of you are going through..." I trail off as Charlie sniffles.

"What do you mean?" Charlie asks rubbing the tears out of her eyes. "I know what it's like to be the one who gets pressure put on them and what it's like to be the one to apply said pressure," I explain as she rolls over onto her back lying beside me. "My mother asked me and my best friend to lead a class on friend ended up having me teach the class because I was better at it," I explained as Charlie motioned for me to continue. "I was so stressed out trying to make sure everything was perfect and I ended up messing up badly. I ran out of the class and my friend chased after me...I yelled at her that just because I was better didn't mean I knew how to teach," I explained clasping my hands over my stomach. "The main reason I had learned was because she had taught me. That's when I found out she wasn't even supposed to be helping me teach," Charlie listened closely as I told her of my past. "I was so excited when my friend told me that I jumped to conclusions and thought she was going to be by my side. Turns out I had accidentally pressured her into teaching the class with me because of my expectations. We both felt horrible for applying that pressure to each other, and we realized that we are a team.." I explain rolling over and brushing the blonde locks from Charlie's face.

"Just like you and Vaggie, this hotel is something you started together. Vaggie will understand that the pressure you put on her wasn't intentional. Kind of how you'll understand her feeling of not knowing what to do if she can't help you," Charlie nodded and jumped on me knocking me onto my back. "Thank you," Charlie said hugging me tightly as I squeezed her back. "Anytime," I sighed when Charlie spoke. "Serenity?" I hummed in response as Charlie pointed out the misty ball of Earth floating near my bedside table. "How is she?" Charlie asked as I chuckled. "She's fine. Getting the hang of her levitation of bigger objects," I explain bringing it closer to the two of us. "You know who would love to see this?" Charlie asks as I hum in response. "My dad. He never did get to see the good that came from Humanity," Charlie explained as I smiled at her. "Do you regret it?" Charlie asks as I raise an eyebrow. "You're sin?" Charlie asks as I pet her head. "I would do it again if it meant protecting my little girl," I explained when Charlie hugged me again. "You deserve to be redeemed," Charlie said as I rubbed her back. Charlie was aware I didn't want redemption, I didn't believe I deserved it.

I could hear laughter from downstairs as I smiled knowing the laughs by now. "Come on," I say teleporting us downstairs. "They deserve to be redeemed. I want to help you redeem them, not myself," I state and Charlie went to say something when I felt something tug on my dress. "Can I have something to drink?" one of the Egg Bois asks as I pick the small demon up and head to the kitchen. "You do deserve to be redeemed, Serenity. More than anyone," Charlie's voice was quiet but I could still hear her. I put a small smile on my face as I listened to the laughter from the parlor and got the smaller demon some water. I started on dinner with the Egg creature when Alastor entered the kitchen. "Mmmm looks delicious, My Dear," Alastor complimented before teleporting away leaving a bag on the counter. I smiled and opened it to see a few groceries I asked the deer demon to pick up after his Overlord meeting.

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