Pure in all senses.

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"-- and that is why pureblood has a stronger magic bond than impure or 'dirty' blood" Mr Dupónt's voice sharply concluded.

His lecture ran in Regulus's ears. Hours of history crammed itself into his little brain. Horrors that Regulus couldn't even imagine, acts of hate and vengeance stuck like tattoos behind his eyes.

Muggles had burned people like him alive. They'd drowned them in lakes. They had killed, and now magic kind had to hide.

Regulus felt sick. Mr Dupónt had layed it out all so simply, said tragedy after tragedy and hardly batted an eye.

Regulus knew he was more sensitive than most but the pure apathy the man possessed scared Regulus in a way he didn't know he could be.

He looked to Sirius beside him and noticed he too had paled at the information. Sirius's hands were entangled, his thumb circling the sides of his fingers.

Regulus became all to aware if his own actions, he was biting the skin near his nail, the area turned red at the irritation.

He pulled his hand aware from his mouth. It was unbecoming.

"Well any questions?" Mr Dupónt said a horrifying smirk appearing on his face that reminded Regulus of Bellatrix. It sent a shiver down his spine and he felt the air grow thick.

Regulus stayed quiet, he was good at that.

Sirius was not so good, he never had been.

Regulus watched in horror as Sirius straightened his back and crossed his arms in a clear act of defiance.

Regulus was powerless when Sirius began to speak, he could feel the rebellion in Sirius brewing and he could do nothing to stop it.

"Yeah. I have a question." Sirius huffed matter-of-factly. "Who died and made you king?" He sneered at the man, Regulus thought he must've been either stupid or ignorant to what would come after.

A look of feigned amusement found refuge on Me Dupónt's tight face, he opened his mouth to respond but before he could Regulus found himself beginning to speak.

"W-what I believe Sirius meant to say was, could you tell us about...Royal History... please?" Regulus spat out, an instinct to divert attention overcoming him.

"Why, of course little Mr Black. You're certainly more receptive than your brother here." He looked at Sirius with a mock smile, that Sirius quite frankly wanted to punch off his stupid face.

"I-I apologize on Sirius's behalf sir. He... He didn't mean it, he's simply tired" Regulus implored ignoring the horrified look Sirius (who very much did mean it) gave him.

Mr Dupónt smiled at Regulus's words. "A diligent little boy, you are Mr Black." He said, the smile on his face morphing into something that made Regulus squirm with nerves. "Your mother must be very happy with you Little Black."

"I-I hope to make my family proud." Regulus responded quite truthfully. He hoped his face didn't give away just how nervous he was.

"Couldn't have said it better Myself." He snarled, Regulus could've sworn he saw his teeth bared.

After a horribly long lecture on Royals and how magic had upheld the monarchy for many years, Mr Dupónt finally closed the giant leather bound book he had brought to teach them with.

It closed with a loud bang and a cloud if dust formed around them.

Sirius squirmed with anticipation to leave. He had had enough of this man for one day, for a lifetime really.

What Sirius hadn't expected was the tension in his spine when Mr Dupónt turned to him and Reg, the words that soon followed left a ringing in his ears.

Regulus Black- DrowningWhere stories live. Discover now