Black Sister's

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Having been led away from the peculiar door by Cissa, Regulus now walked, arms linked with his older cousin to the hall in which Narcissa had informed him the ceremony would take place.

He wasn't all to excited for it. He had always felt quite left out at family gatherings and the Blacks were practically famed for them.

Sirius had Andy, Bella seemed to float between people Reg had heard referred to as 'Followers of him', (though he wasn't quite sure what that meant) His Parents, Uncle Cygnus and Druella seemed satisfied with comparing their children with snide remarks. The perfect little family.

He gazed as they seemed to pass hundreds of identical corridors each with the same deep green snake printed wallpaper, a scathing reminder of what the family stood for.

Time had slipped away from him in the corridor, he thought of what Narcissa had told him. You are brave. Her words flowed freely through his veins and he seemed to feast on the pride they gave him.

He couldn't quite shrug the feeling he was somewhat undeserving of Narcissa's kindness, her pity.

He pushed the thoughts away with a sheer amount of determination as his mother approached him, Orion looming next to her.

He straightened his back and pushed his shoulders back, mimicking what he had seen his parents do so often.

"Auntie." Narcissa greeted, her voice was the epitome of opulence.

"Narcissa, Pleased to see you" Walburga responded, her mouth pulled into a tight thin smile. "Cygnus tells me you've done well at Hogwarts, Prefect was it?"

"Yes Auntie." She nodded and Regulus was nothing short of enchanted with the pure regalness she held herself with. She truly was a glowing example of what Regulus wanted to be. What I need to be.

In Regulus's eyes, Cissa was truly perfect, he knew that if he was more like her, his parents would be so proud of him! She was so confident and poised! A part of Regulus wondered how she could think she was anything other than perfect.

"And how have you been Auntie? It's been too long." She politely replied. Her voice was by no means as soft as it was with Regulus but she still held a candid tone as she addressed Walburga.

Seemingly impressed by her niece Walburga did something she seldom did. She laughed. Not a chuckle, but still a small amused pocket of air had ecsaped her mouth and, if Regulus had seen right, (which he truly wasn't sure about) her steely eyes had softened ever so slightly.

"I am well Narcissa" she replied her tone equally as graceful, it always was so calm and unreadable outside Grimmauld Place. "Is Bellatrix excited to be wed?" She inquired.

Narcissa felt herself deflate little bit when the conversation turned to Bellatrix, as it so often did. With an incredible amount of resolve she remained passive. Stay calm. Stay strong. Be a Black.

"She has been looking forward to today. She is happy to serve the family." Her response felt rehearsed and forced but she'd hope she'd delivered it convincingly.

In actual fact she knew Bella despised her groom. To use Bella's own words Rudolphus was 'a spineless, cowardly oaf' who's only value to Bella was his 'connections'. Narcissa herself had shuddered at Bellatrix's harsh words (though she too had admittedly found her sourness to be funny at first.) He'd been nothing but sweet and romantic to Bella and yet she'd hardly spare him a glance.

Narcissa reminded both herself and her sister that it could have been far worse for her. She had of course been married off, as per family tradition and after Cygnus and Druella had scrutinized many pureblood boys it had come down to Rudolphus  and a man named Douglas Bulstrode who was a good ten years older then Bella.

Narcissa surprisingly had hardly ever talked to Rudolphus but from what she could tell her was oddly soft for a person in his line of work.

Infact she could still recall when she first met him; Bella had become betrothed a year prior, in 1969 before even she had met her husband to be. It was a quiet day for the Black sisters and the summer sun beamed down.

Andy had been outside doing God knows what and Bella had been sulking in her room, she had muttered something along the lines of 'using the last of my freedom'. Narcissa had been in the Library sitting in a window annex when he'd entered. She'd dropped her potions book in surprise and he'd apologized immediately.

She could still see him crouching down to pick it up for her, as she blushed furiously. They'd talked for a minute or more, small talk. She had found herself quickly lost in his mannerisms, enthralled in his awkwardness.

She had always been like this, falling for people easily. She had many romances and they almost always ended badly.

Even today she could remember Andy stoking her hair as she wept and Bella telling her she was too good for them while simultaneously wishing pain on the many boys who'd scorned her.

She had been cheated, lied to, and almost something else she'd never dare to mention.

Despite it only being around an hour of conversing she'd all but fallen for the man in her library before he'd dropped the bomb.

'I'm here to see Bellatrix.' he'd said so casually that Narcissa had chastised herself for being so easily led. She tried so hard to remain composed.

She felt her heart shatter, she wanted to scream, cry and swear off boys but instead found herself offering him directions bashfully.

Curse you and your naiveness! She told herself. She led him to Bella and eavesdropped on the most stale conversation she'd ever heard.

She got over him quick enough, and so far had managed to steer clear of any romantic troubles, though she'd only just started fifth year and the day was young.

"Narcissa?" A voice piered her trip down memory lane.

She snapped her gaze to Walburga's and composed herself as quick as possible. She noticed Regulus and Orion had moved away from them and were now engaging in a rather one-sided conversation. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Andy darting around the room with Sirius.

"Sorry Auntie I... I was just wondering if my wedding will be as beautiful as Bellatrix's." She thought on her feet and waited to see her Aunt's reaction.

"Ah, yes I remember when I used to dream of my own wedding." Walburga's eyes filled with a particularly unfamiliar look of bliss. Of course She remembered the day she married into such a powerful and potent family.

Not that she'd ever admit but Walburga had a slight soft spot for Narcissa, Walburga saw potential in her to become a dutiful wife and mother. As long as Narcissa remained as poised, diligent and controllable as possible Walburga saw no need to be cruel to her.

"Your time will come soon enough Narcissa." She spoke her voice almost an attempt to convince Narcissa of something though she was not sure what.

"I look forward to it" she replied. "Ah, I must leave Auntie, Mother beckons me." She said seeing her mother's harsh glare and Andy held tight in her mother's iron grip.

She sighed and walked away.

Near her Regulus saw her leave and for second he tuned out his father's lecture of duty and watched as she gracefully walked.

She felt naive. He saw perfection.

Regulus Black- DrowningWhere stories live. Discover now