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It was the social event of the season. The joining of two powerful families with loyalty the Dark Lord. The Wedding of Bellatrix Black and Rodolphus Lestrange. Two families who were deadly serious about pureblood ideals. He let out a sigh and tried his best to look forward to today.

In the next room Sirius Black was equally dissatisfied with his outfit. The unflattering ensemble came with a black tie and Sirius felt as if it were choking him. He wouldn't put it past his parents to hex it to do so. He wasn't overly fond of weddings and the fact it was Bellatrix's only furthered his negative mood.

"MAKE HASTE! WE ARE LEAVING SOON! BLACKS ARE NEVER LATE!" Walburga's screeching voice ran through the house like nails on a chalkboard.

Despite there apprehension both boys hurried. Regulus had been more inclined to listen to Walburga since his 'Lesson'. His mother however hadn't mentioned it and seemed content with pretending it had never happened.

As Sirius left his room he saw the form of his little brother in wedding attire standing frozen on the top of the stair case.

"Regulus?" He asked and tapped his brother's shoulder from behind.

Regulus turned around so quickly his head hurt, he seemed to flinch back from the figure before him. He felt his heart rate pick up and he had seemed to lose the ability to speak. His eyes were blurred with terror.

"Regulus!" The voice called again.

His eyes sudden moved to Sirius's and he relaxed slightly. However he couldn't bring himself to talk

"Are you... Okay?" Sirius said raising an eyebrow at his brother's antics.

Regulus nodded in return and tried desperately to swallow back his nerves.

Sirius remained unconvinced but he could sense Regulus wasn't going to open up. Regulus watched in confusion as a smile spread across his older brothers face.

"Race down the stairs?" He smiled his eyes lighting up.

"I don't think we shou--" Regulus began

"Scared you'll lose ickle Reggie!" Sirius taunted playfully and he was relieved when Regulus seemed to smile back at him.

"You wish!" Reg said storming down the stairs gigging with each and every creak of the steps.

Sirius ran behind him, careful not to trip or overtake his brother.

Regulus made it to the threshold of the main room and turned expectantly. He smiled when Sirius raced behind him.

"Siri! I did it! I won" he beamed. Sirius had to admit it was nice to Regulus so happy.

"I knew you could do it!" Sirius responded he leaned forward to ruffle Regulus's ebony hair.

"Oi." Regulus pouted as he tried to flatten his curls. He had tried hard to look presentable but he couldn't help but smile up at his big brother.

"Boys." A sharp voice caught their attention and Sirius instinctively stepped forward, Regulus safe behind him.

Regulus felt almost ashamed for hiding behind Sirius. Mother's right. I'm pathetic, I'm weak. I'm not worthy of the Black name. He looked at his brave brother in front of him, who had moved to shield him with not a moment of hesitation

"Yes Father?" Regulus and Sirius said in unison. Regulus's voice sounded small and he hated it. Sirius's own voice was bordering on defiant but thankfully it went unnoticed.

"Stop messing around. We are leaving now." He spoke clearly and coldly, holding he looked down at his son's and frowned. He wore a black suit similar to Regulus and Sirius though his was adorned with subtle green and gold accents. The buttons shone immaculately.

Walburga then appeared at her husband's side.
"Grab my arm Regulus." she hissed as she prepared to apparate.

Already feeling uneasy at the mere sound of Walburga's voice, Regulus glanced at Sirius, his eyes wide with fear before he stumbled to his mother clumsily, she tutted at his unbecoming antics.
"There will be none of that at the wedding. Am I understood Regulus?" She said her voice was steady as she grabbed his chin fiercely as she forced him to look up at her .

"Ye-yes mother." He stuttered, his eyes glassy but he forced the tears away. He looked at her unimpressed face and beady eyes. He would have to do better. He must be the brave. "I understand mother" he confirmed his voice a lot less shaky as a stoic and unmoving demeanour appeared on his face. He raised his head of his own accord and stared at his mother.

Sirius stared at Regulus in shock. For a moment, if that at all, it was as though Sirius was staring at a carbon copy of Walburga Black. The same cold impassivity and unpredictability reflected on his little brothers face. Sirius sharply swallowed. No. Reggie is different. He's not like them. He-he can't be. Sirius tried to push the image away but he could hardly bear to glance at Regulus for the fear that it would be Walburga's face looking back at him.

Walburga slowly nodded, her face unreadable as she released her youngest son from her grip. She offered him her arm out of nothing but convenience. She nodded at her husband, a order in her eyes.

Soon that familiar crack sound indicated that Regulus and Walburga had left.

Orion turned to Sirius but before they left he looked at his son coldly.

"There is to be no undignified antics from you. This is important and you must not - will not be a single foot out of line from you. I speak with deadly seriousness." He spat at his son leaning down ever so slightly to intimidate his son.

Siriusness. Sirius would have broken down in laughter then and there if he were not scarily aware just how serious his Father was. One look at those steely and manic eyes was enough to erase any humour Sirius had pondered.

He nodded at his dad.

"Words Sirius." He spoke shortly. His eyes narrowed. He prepared to leave nevertheless.

"I understand Father" he said, his eyes burning with something Orion couldn't quite place.

"Very well" he extended his arm to Sirius who promptly grabbed it

What his father hasn't seen however in all his 'Pureblood superiority' was little Sirius Blacks crossed fingers behind his back. Because if Sirius Black was anything he was different.

Regulus Black- DrowningWhere stories live. Discover now