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Regulus sat upright in his bed staring out at the full moon. This had been his routine for the past week, despite trying and he really had tried. He simply couldn't bring himself to sleep in the inky room which threatened to swallow him whole. He had convinced himself that if he slept the monsters would get him.

If only he had known then that the real monsters were far closer.

Instead he would lay awake and gaze at the stars his family had been so obsessively named after. He looked at Sirius's namesake and admired its serene light. He only wished he could shine as bright.
His own star seemed dull and dismal in comparison.

Regulus had always looked at Sirius as though he had painted the sky just for him. Sirius was brave, strong and kind. Regulus thought himself to be weak, small and stupid. He was pathetic, Mother had said so herself!

He was a silly little boy! He needed to grow up.
Regulus had been chastising himself for his foolishness for days. If I was good mother wouldn't have hurt me, she was only teaching me!

Sirius had stopped by everyday to bring Regulus food or drink, sure Kreacher could have done so but Regulus appreciated the entertainment. Regulus thought Sirius must be the funniest brother in the whole world and Sirius was more than happy to hold that title.

Interrupting Regulus's thoughts Sirius creeped quietly into the dark room. His steps were a light pitter-patter against the oak wood floors.

"Reg?" He whispered ironically loud.

Regulus was not quite sure how to play this. He was supposed to be asleep! And soon the fear of what would happen to them if they were caught crept in. His muscles tensed in mere memory.

Fortunately Regulus didn't have to answer as Sirius had already made his way to Regulus's bed side.

"I know you're awake Reggie." He teased

Regulus turned in his duvet to face his brother.

"How?" He grinned as did Sirius.

"When you're really asleep... You snore!" He giggled, his smile widening comically.

"Do not!"

Do too!"

"I don't

"You do!"

Both boys broke down into quiet fits of giggles and laughter.

"Reg" Sirius paused his smile dropping momentarily from his face.

"Yes Siri" His face now mirroring his older brothers.

"Why are you awake?" He cautiously asked

Regulus's face fell. "Why are you awake?" He questioned defensively.

Sirius shrugged. "Bad dream." He muttered.
What he'd failed to mention is that Regulus's screams had played on loop in his dreams. A symphony of sadness.
"You?" He asked again.

"I-I.. couldn't get to sleep." He sighed looking into his brother's grey tinted eyes. "I tried Sirius, I really did. I promise" he stammered.

"Shhh, shush." Sirius began. "It's okay Regulus, you're not in trouble" He was about to smile but instead frowned when he saw Regulus's worried expression. "I won't tell mum and dad." He spoke adamantly.

Regulus visibly relaxed, he felt the tension wash away from his young face. The face previously marred with fear and worry it was never built to carry. The thought of Regulus in pain again was enough for Sirius to offer something.

"Reggie" He started "Would you like to sleep in my room tonight? Just tonight." He asked gently.

Regulus nodded so quickly his head spun and dots temporarily crowded his vision.
"Yes please Siri!" He said his smile making itself known once again. He was certain that if he was with his big brother then nothing could hurt him! Siri was the bravest and strongest person on the whole entire planet! Sirius could keep me safe! Sirius could save the whole wide world if he wanted to!

He followed his brother down the claustrophobic corridor and hoped against hope that his parents wouldn't hear them.

They passed by a hall of elf heads and Regulus had to turn away for fear of being sick. Surely house elves weren't that bad! Kreacher was nice! Sometimes.

They soon arrived at Sirius's room and Regulus waited for his brother to enter.

"Reg? You coming?" Sirius asked confused.

Regulus nodded. He really didn't want to get caught. Walburga would call him a baby and a disgrace to the House of Black. He had learnt a lot about the House of Black, he knew that they were purebloods. He knew purebloods were superior and muggles were evil. He knew he should marry within the sacred 28 and he must have sons. He knew lots of things about the House of Black, he also knew as long as Sirius was alive that Regulus wouldn't really be needed. The spare, Walburga had called him.

He pulled himself out of thos degrading thoughts and looked at his brother's concerned face. He gave his older brother a reassuring smile and Sirius's own cheeky grin smiled back, his white teeth flashing.

Sirius climbed onto his four poster bed and drew the forest green curtains. He gestured for Regulus to join him, he obeyed immediately.

Regulus felt himself curl into his brother's side, his head nestled into Siri's shoulder. Sirius ran a hand through his brother's unruly curls and smiled at him.

"Better now Reggie"

"The best Siri" he looked up at Sirius with eyes so full of admiration that Sirius couldn't help but let out a giggle.

For a moment the boys went silent and Sirius closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Only much to Sirius annoyance a gust of wind seemed to unnerve Reg.

"Siri?" The timid voice of Regulus Black spoke.

Sirius sighed and opened his eyes. "Reggie."

"Are there W-werewolves out there?" He spoke quietly as if afraid to disturb said werewolves.

"Of course not Reg" he said confidently " even if there were, I'd protect you." Sirius said and he felt his brother move even closer to him. He knew he'd likely be woken up by a teary Regulus if he didn't distract him so he cleared his throat.

"There's no werewolves... But there is a big black doggy!" Sirius said adding dramatic flair to each and every syllable.

"Really?!" Regulus's face lit up with his words. He loved dogs! Mother and father would never let them have one but Regulus would always read about them.

" Uh huh! And.. and his name is..." Sirius paused for both dramatic effect and to quickly think of a name. "... Snuffles!" He spoke and seemed quite proud of himself for his stroke of brilliance.

"Why is he outside? Where's his home?" Regulus curiously asked.

"Ummm... He.. He lives in a... CAVE!" He giggled. " He steals food from villages and.. and drinks from a giant lake!" Sirius said becoming quite interested in his make-believe story.

"Woah!' Reggie said his voice filled with wonder.

"How does he know how to swim?" Regulus inquired "We don't."

" He was born able to swim! And he's super good at it!" He swims in the lake and talks to merpeople!" He excited explained.

"Merpeople!" Regulus laughed.

"And right now... he's out chasing squirrel's!" He grinned.

"I love snuffles!" Regulus said before letting out a yawn.


"Nuh uh!" Regulus protested but his eyes flickered giving him away. "Maybe.." he gave in.

"Come here" Sirius told him. Regulus cuddled into him and Sirius wrapped his arms around his little brother. And soon they fell asleep holding each other, existing in the comfort of one another.

That night was the first in a week Regulus hadn't had a nightmare. He instead dreamt of him and Siri playing in a field with a certain fluffy black dog.

Regulus knew then, as long as he had Sirius beside him he would always be okay, always be protected. For Sirius truly was the brightest star in the sky.

Regulus Black- DrowningWhere stories live. Discover now