Chapter 72: The Weakest Link

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The Resistance brings the captured Harumi into their base.

Harumi laughs "Oh, how the tables have turned."

"Quiet," Lloyd commands.

Dareth looks at Reika "So, we got Harumi. Now what do we do?"

"What if we use her for trade?" Nya suggests "Our friends in the Kryptarium Prison for her."

"How does that make you feel, Lloyd?" Harumi questions. "That your father cares for me more than his own son."

"Don't listen to her," Reika tells Lloyd.

"He had no problem with ending your life," Harumi comments "not a single ounce of regret."

"In case you haven't realized," Lloyd turns away from her "it didn't work."

"Aw maybe not," Harumi smirks "but where's your princess? Surely, she survived if you did?"

Lloyd's eyes glowed pink as he turned to her, Reika grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Lloyd," Reika says "keep a cool head."

Lloyd's eyes turned back to green before he pulled his arm away from Reika.

"My father cares for no one, only his thirst for more power." Lloyd tells her.

"I know, so he won't free our friends." Reika agrees "We'll hold on to her until she's valuable to us."

"My generals have been here before. It's only a matter of time until they find me" Harumi says.

Lloyd and Reika turn back to the others, ignoring Harumi.

"I hate to admit it, but she's right. I hope whatever courage you have up your sleeve is an ace, because right now, we're about to fold." Dareth tells them "But don't tell me right now because I think she can hear us."

The door immediately opens and in walks Skylor "Found some stuff in her belongings."

"I think you need to see this" Mistake says.

Harumi grunts, trying to free herself.

"Go. I'll keep watch over her" Nya tells them.

Lloyd and Reika follow Skylor and Mistake.

"What is it mom?" Lloyd asks.

"The Oni Mask of Hatred" Mistake replies, holding it up.

"If your Elemental Power doesn't return, this could certainly help" Skylor suggests to Reika.

"But Oni power is Dark Magic." Mistake warns "Wield it only at your own peril."

"What do you want to do?" Skylor asks Lloyd.

Reika looks at the Mask of Hatred before throwing it at Harumi's feat.

"My mask! You're going to steal it?" Harumi questions.

Reika glares at her "Save the performance, I'm not going to use it."

"It's a trap." Lloyd tells her before turning to Harumi "The only reason someone as smart as her was captured is because she wanted to be."

"Ooh, very perceptive, Lloyd. You're smarter than you let on. If I can't trick you, perhaps I can deliver a message: Emperor Garmadon will destroy you," Harumi turns to Reika "and you can do nothing to stop it because YOU can NEVER change. As much as you want to, you don't have it in you to hurt your dear Sensei!"

Dareth growls "You don't know Reika!"

Harumi smirks "Don't I? Let me ask: How do you see this ending? You CAN'T because there is no happy ending. Once Green, always Green."

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