Chapter Forty-Three

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Tanden didn't mind the tattoo.

A line of blue dots swooped under his left eye, then curved down to follow along his jawbone to his chin. Thin lines, somewhat reminiscent of the Crelan tattoos on his back, wove between the dots. The first time Tanden had sat down with Queb, the older man had handed him a piece of metal, nearly polished into a perfect mirror, and explained.

"We are marked as young adults, when we have been accepted by the water. When you were pulled out of the water alive, it meant Attinabi allowed you to live. In a way, for us, it means you were born again, with her blessing. If you had not been marked, it would have been the same as denying the gift of Attinabi. The gift of life. You would have died."

Tanden looked at himself in the simple mirror. The dots looked nice, he thought, although they would be very difficult to hide. Still, he was more than willing to accept that getting the tattoo had saved his life. It wasn't the first unfamiliar religious ritual he had partaken in, it was just the most permanent.

"Thank you." Tanden lowered the mirror. "For the blessing, and allowing me and my companions to stay with you."

"You are blessed by Attinabi," Queb said with a smile. "You will always be welcome in Moatt, and anyone travelling with you will receive the same welcome."

"I don't suppose Attinabi's blessing can help me get a big boat?" Tanden asked, although he knew the answer. There was no word in Moattish that translated to 'ship', which he suspected was because the Moattish people didn't engage in ocean travel.

"Ah." Queb clapped his hands against his thighs. "No. You will have to wait for a passing big boat to take you."

Tanden nodded. "It's just that I happen to be in a bit of a hurry."

"Nothing I can do about that. But," Queb shrugged. "You are Attiabwa now. The water will bring you what you need. Now, rest." He stood, but before stepping out of the small room paused to look at Tanden again. "My language. You couldn't speak it last time you were here. Could you, before falling over Attinabi?"

Tanden was tired, but even then, he couldn't help his prideful smile. "Yes. When we met I told you that given time, I can speak every language I come across. I wasn't lying."

Queb's answering nod was slow and thoughtful. "I remember. Now get some rest."


Days passed slowly, but as bored as he was, Tanden knew there was nothing he could do. He couldn't will a ship to land in Attob, and asking Attinabi didn't seem to help. He also knew that his broken ribs really needed some time to recover before he stormed off to find and kill Toliver.

It helped that, for the first time since loosing the Wanderlust, he actually felt safe. The Moattish people were incredibly welcoming, even to Jale and Kuiva. They fell into a relaxing routine, and Tanden enjoyed the usual satisfaction that came from practicing a language he wasn't good at. His Moattish improved rapidly, as it often did when he surrounded himself with a language.

Without someone else around to make Teltish necessary, Jale had slipped into only speaking Tallenese. With Kuiavadox, Tanden practiced Xalish, although the young man wasn't very talkative. He spent a lot of time staring out at the ocean. Tanden had lived his whole life by the ocean, he was used to it. Kuiva's fascination was a reminder of just how overwhelming the ocean could be.

Overwhelming or not, Tanden wanted nothing more to be back on it. Every day he felt stronger, every day he felt more ready to take up his hunt in earnest.


Tanden wasn't really keeping track of the days, but he guessed from the feeling of his ribs that it had been over a month when Jale interrupted a careful duel between him and Kuiavadox.

Waterborne (Wanderlust 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora