Chapter Three

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            Twelve full hours of sleep later, Seana awoke the following morning to the warm, radiant sun shining over her face

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Twelve full hours of sleep later, Seana awoke the following morning to the warm, radiant sun shining over her face. The hue of her blue eyes sparkled as they opened in the blinding glow. She sat up on the couch, figuring that her long fiery locks were a mess. It had been forever since she even had hair that long. Nothing that a good shower, some shampoo/conditioner, and a little combing couldn't handle.

Craig was asleep in the only available bedroom in the apartment, which Seana was more than happy to let him have. He never slept in a king-sized bed, which was designed to suit a tall individual; Craig's small body barely took up half of it. "Bless his wee heart," Seana muttered as she watched him sleeping in his oversized purple cat shirt, his usual nightwear.

After her shower, she realized that her sonic screwdriver was missing from the pocket of her jacket where she kept it. She heard it beeping somewhere in the apartment and was surprised to find it on the kitchen table, right next to a PizzeRizzo box. On the box was a Post-it note with Craig's handwriting that read: "I went out last night. Sorry. But I got you some pizza! Love, Craig."

Seana had mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, she was not happy with Craig's decision to wander out on his own, which she would never allow him to do, even if he weren't on the Hierarchy's hit list. But she was grateful that he wasn't hurt...and that he bought her pizza. "Oh, lil' brotha. What am I gonna do with ya."

            The beeping resonating from her sonic screwdriver was a proximity alert, which usually went off when it had been away from her possession for several hours

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The beeping resonating from her sonic screwdriver was a proximity alert, which usually went off when it had been away from her possession for several hours. When she reclaimed it, there was recorded footage of its whereabouts prior to the recovery. Much like a smartphone, it had USB accessibility, so it could be plugged into any compatible device, such as a computer or a TV. Seana chose the latter to review what the sonic captured from its hidden camera, all while eating the pepperoni pizza from PizzeRizzo.

The first thing she saw was her sleeping form on the couch, as it was from the previous night. Rarely did she take a moment to look at herself, in a recording or in the mirror, so she was a little impressed by how perfect she appeared while resting. Wish it could be the same when I wake up!

Doctor Who and the Muppets of Earth-MOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora