Finding Home

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As Jae Kyung stirred from his fitful slumber, a sense of heaviness settled over him, like a weight pressing down on his chest. With a groan, he tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his lungs, causing him to gasp for breath.

Hyun and his father, startled by Jae Kyung's sudden distress, rushed to his side, their expressions filled with concern. "Jae Kyung, what's wrong?" Hyun exclaimed, his voice laced with worry.

Jae Kyung coughed violently, each breath coming harder than the last as he struggled to speak. "I... I don't know," he gasped, his voice barely a whisper. "I feel... I feel like I can't breathe."

hyun's father quickly checked his temperature, his brow furrowing in concern as he felt the heat radiating from Jae Kyung's body. "He's burning up," he murmured, his voice filled with alarm. "We need to get help."

Without hesitation, Hyun's father sprang into action, rushing out of the room to find a doctor. Meanwhile, Hyun stayed by Jae Kyung's side, offering what comfort he could as his friend struggled to breathe.

As Jae Kyung lay there, his body wracked with pain, memories of the bitter cold and sleepless nights flooded his mind. He had ignored the warning signs, pushing himself beyond his limits in his determination to help Hyun. But now, his body was paying the price.

Minutes felt like hours as Jae Kyung fought to stay conscious, his vision blurring and his thoughts growing foggy. Fear gnawed at him, knowing that he was in no condition to fend for himself, especially in his weakened state.

As Jae Kyung was quikly placed on a bed, the medical team sprang into action, their movements swift and purposeful as they assessed his condition. With each passing second, his breathing grew more labored, the strain evident in the way his chest rose and fell in shallow gasps.

The doctor in charge quickly reviewed Jae Kyung's vitals, her expression grave as she realized the severity of his condition. "We need to start oxygen therapy immediately," she instructed, her voice cutting through the urgency of the room. "His oxygen saturation levels are dangerously low."

Nurses swiftly gathered the necessary equipment, preparing the oxygen mask and tubing as the doctor explained the procedure to Hyun and his father, their faces drawn with worry.

"We're going to administer oxygen to help him breathe more comfortably," the doctor explained, her tone calm but firm. "It's essential to support his respiratory function while we work to treat the underlying infection."

A nurse gently placed a nasal cannula over Jae Kyung's nose, securing it in place to deliver a steady flow of oxygen directly into his airways. The soft tubing trailed down from the cannula, connecting to a nearby oxygen tank, which hummed softly as it delivered life-saving oxygen to Jae Kyung's lungs.

As the oxygen began to flow, Jae Kyung's chest rose more steadily with each breath, his body gradually receiving the oxygen it so desperately needed. The cool, clean air filled his lungs, easing the strain and allowing him to breathe more comfortably.

Every breath felt like a battle against suffocating pressure, his chest heavy with the weight of pneumonia. Each inhalation was met with resistance, a sharp reminder of the compromised state of his lungs.

Days blended into nights as Jae Kyung lay confined to the sterile confines of the hospital room. The harsh glare of fluorescent lights overhead cast stark shadows across the stark walls, creating an atmosphere of oppressive monotony. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, marked only by the rhythmic beep of the heart monitor and the distant hum of medical equipment.

The medical team bustled around him, their faces masked behind layers of protective gear as they tended to his every need. Nurses flitted in and out, administering medications and checking vital signs with practiced efficiency. Doctors conferred in hushed tones, their brows furrowed with concern as they monitored Jae Kyung's progress with meticulous attention to detail.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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