Bound by Compassion

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hyun's pov after school ended

hyun was back in class looking outside deciding to keep it up resting his head wanting to go home eventually there was a thick layer of snow so school got cancelled so hyun quikly packed up his bags and went outside seeing do jun get picked up by kai watching them leave

hyun shakes his head lightly not sure what why he was watching do jun leave he wasn't his friend deciding to just walk home instead of calling his father to pick him up realising he forgot one of his books in class deciding to go and get it stopping in his tracks seeing the people that bullied him turning again deciding to just leave the book behind only to get pulled back having to face the bullies trying to stop them from dragging him outside

the bullies throw hyun down in the snow "you're lucky it's softer then usual" going up to hyun again pushing him back down "now let's have some fun shall we now get up" only getting a stare from hyun "Hold him up" he says to the others

hyun tries to get away but quickly felt himself get roughly pulled up trying to get out of their grip "Damn look at his arms, feels like a stick" they commented, holding his frail wrists in their free hand to for comparison. hyun's cheeks turning red, humiliation burning in his chest.

Whimpers were soon echoing as the three other boys threw punches and kicks directly into his chest, legs, and groin. Followed by whimpers and cries, along with laughter and comments from the tormentors. pushing him into the snow again kicking his legs again "you're not even begging for help and it's annoying" putting more pressure on hyun's leg not noticing the others backing up turning around "what do you want"

"Shut your mouth" the guy saysin english anger laced into his voice, grabbing the bully and slamming him against the wall watching him cry out. "already maybe you shouldn't judge others before looking in the mirror" letting him go going to hyun knowing he needed help holding a hand out for him

hyun looks up at him slowly taking his hand almost falling back down holding onto his hand as he was softly put back on the ground slowly getting pulled into a hug trying to hold back his tears

"it's okay let it out" the guy says holding hyun close trying to cover him from the snow "it's okay" he repeats softly making sure he wasn't hurting hyun more waiting untill hyun was calm 

hyun pulls back after a bit "i'm sorry i didn't mean to" he mumbles softly trying to get up again not wanting to bother the guy any further

the guy quikly gets up "let me help you, you shouldn't be walking right now" he says quikly hoping hyun would accept his help seeing him so the guy takes his coat of putting it around hyun's shoulder "wear this you need it more then i do"

hyun nods slowly letting the guy pick him up holding onto him "thank you"

"i'm jae kyung by the way are you comfortable" he asks quikly receiving a nod from hyun "i'm taking you to the hospital alright" hyun looks up at jae kyung "wait no i can't my parens don't know please just take me home"

"taking you to the hospital is the best thing to do, trust me" jae kyun says trying to speak korean quikly focusing on where he's going calling a taxi over helping hyun inside sitting down next to him telling the driver on where to go looking over at hyun as he was leaning into him holding him close quikly paying the driver as soon as they get there

jae kyung picks him up again heading inside quikly going to a nurse asking her for help watching them take hyun away sitting down at the waiting area looking up eventually seeing a man entering the hospital in a rush realising it must be hyun's father quikly going up to him "sir are you hyun's father by any chance" jae kyung asks him in english

the newfound magicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon