Burdens and Bonds

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He's the perfect student. He gets A's on every assignment. He dresses neatly and smartly. always comes on time. He always carries extra papers in case he needs them. He stays after school to study and write everything down. Every day he goes on about his day, not caring about any of the other students. He is the perfect student. 

Who is this perfect student, his name is hyun the class representative not that he wanted to be it but everyone picked him because they didn't want to have extra responibilities like bringing homework to students who don't show up.

he was currently having math and it carried on as slowly as ever, so hyun spent the next hour trying to remember everything he could about the sick student. He was a quiet guy, didn't have many friends but was well known as a football player, the school's team ace.
He remembered having many problems to take decent photos of him for the school's journal because he seemed to run away from cameras and anything related to being in the spotlight. A weird and plain guy, the only thing in his favor were his friends that helped him overcome his shyness.

When the classes were over he waited for everyone else to leave not wanting to be bothered by anyone else and waited patiently for the teacher to give him the address. Be the class representative they said... it'll be fun they said He just wanted to go home so he could practice a few of his magic tricks and eat dinner.
"Here you are Hyun" the teacher says at last, giving him a piece of paper  "and be sure to remember him to hand next week the essay."
"yes sir, see you tomorrow." hyun says calmly leaving the classroom

He walked down the street slowly, not in a hurry to carry his duties and talk to him he just didn't want to talk to anybody right now knowing they just use him for his money., but he was pretty pleased to realize that it wasn't very far from his home so he wouldn't have to go too far. 20 minutes later he arrived in front of an old and tall building; he rang the bell and waited for almost 5 long minutes without answer, but when he was almost giving up a voice low and rough voice.
"jung Takewoon? – he says hesitantly – I'm hyun , the class representative, I came to give you the homework."
The door opened with a rusty sound and hyun took the elevator, getting a little bit nervous. 'I hope it's not contagious, now that the weather it's starting to get better I don't wanna get ill'
He finally arrived to the 6th floor and entered trough the opened door.
The flat was small and pretty empty, just the basic furniture to survive and a few personal items like a football team scarf, some family photos and music posters.
"Taekwoon...?" he entered the flat searching for the tenant until he found the guy lying on the sofa, covered by a blanket and with his eyes closed "Hey, are you sleeping? At least you could greet your guest" he says while approaching him with a displeased look on his face.
The other guy slowly opened his eyes.
-"just leave the things here and leave, thank you for com... " the phrase was interrupted by a sudden coughing fit.

hyun sighs thinking putting his schoolbag on the grade looking trough it taking a botlle of painkillers taking one out of it holding it out to taekwoon giving him his bottle water too "take it" 

He turned around and is almost outside the flat when he called him.
"What?" he says wanting to be home soon 
"thank you "he said shyly, so low it was almost a whisper  hyun smiles lightly once he was out of vieuw and get out, going down the stairs almost happily 'He's a nice guy after all, could be that the scary and stern-face Jung Taekwoon is just shy?'

hyun quikly runs home knocking on the door waiting for it to open walking past his mother going straight to his room putting everyhing down laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling closing his eyes for a bit planning out what he wants to do only for the door too open

"come on and get ready for the road trip" his mother says standing in the doorway. hyun nods slowly "what about dinner" hyun asks soflty sitting up "you'll get something to eat in the car"

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