Adjusting to Change

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do jun enters the apartment he shares with his older brother, . He hangs his coat on the rack by the door and puts his keys in the bowl on the hall table. "brother, I'm home!" he yells.

"In the dining room!" kai yells back.

He wanders through the hall to the dining room. Dinner is already prepared and waiting. the table is set with best food he'd ever seen.

"Whoa, what's the occassion?" do jun asks when he sees the scene before him. There are more flowers and candles set sporadically around the room.

"I have some good news," kai smiles and makes his way over to dio jun to giving him a hair ruffle.

"Oh? I love good news." do jun says exitedly

"Great." kai pulls out a chair and indicates for do jun to take a seat in it. do jun smiles warmly at his older brother as he sits, waiting patiently for the good news.

"So...I've been offered a new job," kai tells him.

"Yeah? With a new design firm?" do jun says looking up at him

"Yes, one I've wanted to work with for a long time, my entire career actually." kai says quikly.

"That's wonderful, kai! I'm so happy for you!" do jun's face lights up with delight for his older brother. "Which firm is it? Are they on the East or West side of busan because you know there is a better side." do jun gives him a wink.

"Actually..." kai pauses then continues, "'s in daegu."

do jun looks at kai confused. "daegu? "

"Yes, daegu." kai says repeating it

"Oh," is all do jun says, then he just gets quiet, staring at the plate of untouched dinner in front of him.

"Oh? Is that all you're going to say?" kai asks, a bit confused that his younger brother can't muster up any more than one single syllable in response to his announcement.

do jun is somber. "I'm trying to think of what I want to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing here."

"Just say what you feel do jun. We can talk about this." kai tries to sound encouraging instead of annoyed.

"Well," do jun looks up at kai now, "I guess my first question is when would you start?"

"In two weeks."

"Two weeks!?! That's not enough time to move out." do jun says quikly

"you're worried about moving out? I think it's pretty simple," kai says with an unconcerned shrug.

"moving so far away for this dream job, means for us. For me. Did you think about that at all before you accepted the position? I assume you've already accepted it." do jun says quikly

"I have." kai says calmly

"come on, kai"." do jun throws the napkin that had been resting in his lap onto the table in disgust. "You know I can't leave busan right now. you know i already struggle with school and you think transferring so late in the year will help with that"

"I know and I did think about it." kai reaches over and takes do jun's hand in his. "I think we can make this work even if you transfered. It won't be much different than it is now. We both are gone long hours. When you're not at school, you're studying at the library."

do yun has to admit it. "Yeah, sometimes, but I'm holding out hope that it will get better soon."

"While you hold out hope, I've got to take this opportunity. I know wi can help you get setlled in the new school. Hell, we'll probably spend more quality time together this way than we do now." kai laughs to try to lighten the mood. It doesn't work.

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